My Divination Card, Pride Before The Fall

What a story! You really had to go through some horrible stuff, i wish you all the best and a good recovery! Thanks for sharing your story in the form of that card, i too will think of it when i pick it up.
Thanks so much for sharing. Your history and motivations are very touching, I wish you all the best. Awesome background things like this are keeping me even more motivated to play lately, bseide all the problems.

Fugassssssss wrote:
If only GGG would implement these "behind the scenes" stories into game somehow. Something like a small button for people who really care about meanings of things.

+1 Excellent idea!
Balance is an illusion, exile.
You Sir, are a true fighter. Why would you call your heart corrupted?? If I were to name a card after you I would call it "The Rise After the Fall". Kudos to you, and best of luck with your recovery!
stay strong bro, don't give up..

best of luck to you for the recovery..
Best motivation for a divination card ever! Good luck bud.
I probably won't find this rare card myself but this is the second item I'll remember a touching story whenever I see it linked or mentioned somewhere.

All the best for you recovery! Keep the optimism even if it takes a while.
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
I need more of those - knowing that there are stories behind those cards is goodfeels.
Gj and gl :-)
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
I hope you will recover soon, and have something else to do beside playing PoE :-)
Holy shit...

Almost there man!

freykin wrote:

Last summer I discovered that I have an enlarged aortic root, along with having Marfan Syndrome. I don't show the typical signs of someone with Marfan Syndrome, besides being tall and near sighted, so I slipped past being diagnosed with it until I went and saw a cardiologist for an unrelated issue. My aortic root was extremely dilated, at a size of 5.2 cm. Due to this and having Marfan Syndrome, I had to undergo heart surgery to avoid having an aortic dissection, or god forbid, an aortic burst.

Dude were on Grey's Anatomy a few months ago? They had a patient with the same thing. At one point Dr. Yang says, "How could we miss this? Dammit we are surgeons!" And, then Dr. Grey says, "It's easy to miss Christina, don't be so hard on yourself."

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