[2.0]Fire Incinerate Totems 150K DPS, 19K Tooltip.

gtrans wrote:
Isn't it better to use a wand with 20+ cast speed with added fire damage to spells and just dropping the whole whirling blade setup?

I feel like you lack cast speed but I might be wrong.

LesTwins wrote:
i agree with gtrans... id much rather have a nice wand with spell dmg , cast spped and proj speed, flame dash is enough , and i ddrop that w.blades setup for a vaal haste which gives huge cast speed and huge mov speed

While you could do that, and it would give you increased damage and range (range not so much), I am constantly whirling blading whereever I go, where Flamedash has the cooldown.

I suppose it comes down to preference, but my playstyle is literally place 2 totems use whirling blades like a spastic until I need to place 2 more totems, I don't think I could adjust to not having it for the utility

EDIT: As for Cast Speed, I feel I have plenty as it is, I haven't been in PoE for a-few weeks but iirc I had something around 0.08 cast time.

Vaal Haste is something I had not thought of and I may experiment with putting that in somewhere
IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe on Sep 30, 2015, 6:30:16 PM
looks realy fun. Wil try that. Thanks for your effort :)
Hey what do you think about using dual Apep's Rage? Spell damage, a lot of cast speed and a lot of flat added chaos damage. Moderate amount of chaos res.
I do apologise to those whispering me ingame about different setup ideas, I haven't played this build for awhile with attempting a Crit Tendrils build in the 1month league.

I do however have a friend that is running it, and he plays just well with using wands instead of daggers, so I see no reason for Apep's to not play well, that said since it gives flat chaos instead of spell damage I would probably try out running Added chaos instead of Fire Pen in the gem setup and see how that performs. The extra mana cost from Apep's should be negligible due to being totems
IGN shdowe
I Lv 71, and only 5500 Dps, is it because my Incinerate is non quality lvl 16?
Resine wrote:
I Lv 71, and only 5500 Dps, is it because my Incinerate is non quality lvl 16?

There may be some damage nodes to still pick up on your tree, 60% spell damage on both handed slots does add a-lot. Quality doesn't add damage to Incinerate, rather Projectile Speed for clearing, that said, level 16 is quite low, we plan to get as high as level 23 eventually with a +1 Tabula, level 20/21 Incinerate, and an Empower gem. iirc each gem level on Incinerate added about 2K tooltip DPS.

At your level doing lower maps though, 5.5K dps should be clearing maps very easily, the more you level up/gems level up + get quality the stronger you get.

Edit - Got him to post himself :3
iirc the guildie I have doing this build, level 85 in the 1month has 13K tooltip with a level 19 Incinerate and level 2 Empower, no +1 Tabula
IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe on Oct 26, 2015, 1:26:08 AM
Hey all!

Have been running this build for the 1 month league. Very easy to follow, a lot of fun and cheap to gear! This is what I currently have:

Let's be honest...A lot of this gear is TRASH and with better gear your damage and survivability could be significantly better than what I have.

This is unbuffed in town

Running Anger in hideout

Thanks for the build! Very solid

By the way, I was using a +1 Tabula for a while as well. Damage was close to 13k. However, the extra damage wasn't needed so I gave it to a friend to use. It is highly recommended to use a +1 though. I picked mine up for 3.5ex
Last edited by Pocket_Medic on Oct 26, 2015, 1:25:24 AM
Any chance for an update for this build?
IGN: Looot

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