Upcoming Updates to The Awakening!

that are some good news
Ign: The_Horus

My profile & builds @: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/544588
Chris wrote:
Unhost wrote:
Think we will see some more MTX coming soon?

Yeah, I think there's the Necrotic Armour Set

Oh, God, finally. Thanks Chris!
I hope those Revernant mobs get nerfed....even the white ones hurt badly.
Chris wrote:
Unhost wrote:
Think we will see some more MTX coming soon?

Yeah, I think there's the Necrotic Armour Set, Ghostflame Totem, etc.

Yesssss totem skins, hopefully some alt spell effects soon also. Also, waiting on the day you can use totem skins on shockwave / flame etc. That would be a great change!
Cool things coming :) Thank you Chris +1
Thank you very much!
Perception is reality.
News concerning fixing the balance is always good news. Hopefully you won't just adopt a simple "nerf" philosophy, but rather fix the mechanics of the main bosses.

For example: instead of nerfing the beam damage you can play with the time that the beam lasts, or the number of the mobs that fill the tiny space, etc. Make the fights more interesting, not just enormous bursts of damage that can one shot you.

Also the 2nd phase Malachai area is way too small.

It upsets me that we don't have enough info what damage mobs or bosses do (among other things), and i never understood the lack of info in this game. People have to find that the hard way, and i guess you enjoy that. While we do know all mobs defenses, at the same time we know nothing about the damage they can do. Thats elitist, hardcore, what is it? People though Pietys beam is fire damage for ffs. Chris said in an older post that more info would make things complicated... really? Give us more info ingame, or make a mob bestiary in the web site, or whatever.

Hopefully we will see more changes, cause i would hate to quit and give up my favorite arpg, where i have spend more money than any other game ever.
Don't fool yourself exile... your end is just around the corner!
Last edited by Mihalis on Jul 21, 2015, 3:20:44 AM
Any update to when we can finally PvP again? Been locked out of PvP for almost a week now.....
Any news on the constant lag spikes people are getting?

It would be nice to be able to play the game again....
all hail to our lord and saviour Krilson.
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh

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