Oh Look, Valve are dickheads, part Infinity

Valve had plenty of lead time. They reached out to the popular DOTA/TF2/CSGO skinners to go out and steal other people's work, under NDA (so they couldnt or wouldnt ask for permission), before the roll out. They could have only done this not expecting the fallout because most certainly they knew this half-talents would go a-rapin' of other people work.

I like how they handpicked their favorite sons to get a leg up on everyone else. If it would have worked out they would have had the lead time to price other people out of the market.

Valve are still the scumbags here, still the enemy who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Even though gamers hate each other right now most of them hate Valve worse. I love they are breathed in the same hallowed sentences as EA/Ubi/Activision.

Its been a good week!
Last edited by FireWalkWithMe on Apr 28, 2015, 7:39:53 PM
I meant no public lead time.



Also, I just don't see Valve as evil. I can go with stupid, though. For instance, everything Valve does with Greenlight.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Apr 28, 2015, 8:13:57 PM
The point was they were purposely sneaky about the entire thing - knowing everyone would not be on board.



gone >.>
valve will edit their files to make it where mods can't work, if there are free mods. like sourceforts. if they cant get some money out of it, then they dont want you to search for it with the servers. isnt like it isnt bad enough anyway with their permanent bans on games. i think thats bad. that forces you to go out and buy a whole new game, again. valve made punkbuster, and vac. both ban you permanently.

right now valve and microsoft are working on a cheat thing to stick it in your computer to force you to use it. that new game, rust, has it. it forces you to use the windows, forcing people to pay for driver signings, signed drivers. all of them making moeny, on cheating. nobody cheats. as far as i think valve pays the worst clan groups to go out and destroy games with cheating, if they can. they buy the hacks then sell the cheat protection. the games would be better the way they where played, mods banning cheaters. even a voting system as long as its not abused or temporary. if you slow down the hackers ,theyre going to get bored. its boring anyway to cheat. but permanent bans is stupid and only a money maker, and theyre teaming up with microsoft who's, trying ot force everyone to pay for their driver signing.

and valve stole team fortress 2 from the paying players. they wherent supposed to make items that where only cosmetic.. like weapons where supposed to do the same damage as the other ones. but they forced you, to get the new unlocks. you to wait and wait either for it, to fall, or youd have to play constantly for something like, 7 weeks i think, at least i dont know how many hours per week, at least probably 3-4 hours a day at least for 5-6 days for 7 weeks, to be able to directly craft, with their jacked up craft system, that new weapon so then you could play fairly. at least compared to ea you can somehow use it.. so that was all pretty crappy. you can even get these new cosmetic items in these, drops. which are just the chat box spammed up with that you got something.

anyway, nobody likes punkbuster, nobody likes valve. and they steal communities, and pawn them off as if thou they ever created tehm. in tf2 they stopped making new weapons after they started all of this, and just pumped out crap dumb items. none of them have any thought into them. the games just like filled with 20 million copies of like a different screwdriver. nothing different. of course they dont care as they sell every single item plus a quote"strange" version which, counts thenumber of kills. even if your on an idle, joke around server. how awesome is that. i always wanted to count every kill ever i made in .. a game. if my job is to do that im not really interested when its my reward to count it.

so valve is nothing but a joke that steals communities.

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