Theorycraft: Rashkaldor's Patience

I'm going to go through this item line by line. I'll hide my conclusion in a spoiler so you can make your own before seeing mine.

Base: Jade Amulet
-> The skill may be dex based, and the build may need more of it.

+80 life
-> A very high amount of life for an amulet. Indicates for life based build.

+34 mana
-> Build is mana based.

20% Increased Duration of Elemental Status effects on Enemies
-> Build causes elemental status effects.

Items and Gems have 10% Reduced Attribute Requirements
-> Build has trouble getting a required stat for gear or the main skill.

5% chance to Freeze, Shock, and Ignite
-> Build may be non crit reliant for status conditions.

Cannot Gain Power Charges
-> Not intended for use with a crit build that uses power charges.

My Conclusion

This item screams RT Explosive Arrow to me, as either a Marauder or (more likely) Templar.
The build is life based, and can utilize mana for AA, possibly use a CoD.
There's large amounts of INT and DEX that are required for an EA proliferation build, that Templars and Marauders struggle to get. This item makes less INT and DEX needed, and adds dex to reach the required amount for EA.
The 20% increased duration means that targets take 20% MORE burning damage because the dot lasts longer.
The extra chance for status ailments could read just the ignite chance and this item would probably see the same use.

Other potential applications:
Non crit Arc Mjolner (EW, don't do this)
Crit Prolif Ice Spear (no power charges, not optimal)
Other non-crit Fire Prolif builds (discharge, maybe flameblast)

It could be useful for a freeze prolif build, but the best of those are crit and this item really limits your crit.

It could NOT be used with the RT cold snap builds, for obvious reasons.

Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed)
Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder
Last bumped on May 12, 2016, 9:25:46 PM
It's good for anything life, no-crit, prolif build. In best case scenario you're taking benefits from all status ailments instead of just ignite.
The special mod on it is the 20% increased elemental status duration.

Ignite doesn't really benefit from it because ignite doesnt have a minimal duration for it to work, while shock and freeze actually doesn't happen when it's duration is under 0.3 seconds. So basically this amulet helps applying shock and freeze for non crit builds on targets with high HP/high resistances, increasing your shock/freeze capabilities to apply on such targets by 20%.

Krayken wrote:
The special mod on it is the 20% increased elemental status duration.

Ignite doesn't really benefit from it because ignite doesnt have a minimal duration for it to work, while shock and freeze actually doesn't happen when it's duration is under 0.3 seconds. So basically this amulet helps applying shock and freeze for non crit builds on targets with high HP/high resistances, increasing your shock/freeze capabilities to apply on such targets by 20%.

What you mention is a benefit; however the mod is not special. This modification is available from the passive tree. Static Blows and Breath of Lightning both have 20% shock duration. Breath of Rime has 20% increased freeze duration. Breath of Flames has 20% increased ignite duration. (the same and more is available from the tree)

Ignite actually benefits a lot from this:
Burning does 20% of the initial hit per second over 4 seconds, as a base. Using this amulet (or the node, or both) you get 0.8 seconds of additional burn time per 20% increase. The damage over time rate remains the same.

Say you hit the target for 100 fire damage and ignited them. Normally, they would take 80 damage over 4 seconds. With 20% increased duration, they take 96 damage over 4.8 seconds. With 40%, they take 112 damage over 5.6 seconds.

Basically, extending the duration of the ignite increases damage dealt, AND the time the burn can proliferate.
Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed)
Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder
But really, if you need more than four seconds... Surely you can also apply a second Ignite, which even has the potential of rolling higher Damage. The additional direct Hit is probably also welcome.
In my experience, Ignite mostly benefits theoretically. *shrug*
It's decent enough to get some extra time out of corpses, I suppose, but, meh.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Feb 25, 2015, 7:16:48 PM
What's to theorycraft?

It's worse than virtually any rare amulet, even for non-crit elemental builds which it seems designed for.

Would you rather have 5% chance to effect and 20% duration or magic find, resists, mana regeneration, and +flat damage?


That being said, I'm always happy to see non-crit elemental effects. I wish GGG'd hurry up and separate crits from elemental effects now that there are a ton of way to get "x% chance to effect" on the tree and from uniques.
this is all I need for my RT Marauder. taking RT means I cannot apply status, no matter how hard I hit. just getting that one Shock status can increase my damage by a lot. and travelling mostly on str nodes, the dex is welcome for Faster Attacks or Culling.

imo, getting this is equivalent to a decent rare, and maybe easier than getting an ideal rare. would definitely use.
Would be really good with quality Glacial Hammer, if you are not crit based
zSavage wrote:
Krayken wrote:
The special mod on it is the 20% increased elemental status duration.

Ignite doesn't really benefit from it because ignite doesnt have a minimal duration for it to work, while shock and freeze actually doesn't happen when it's duration is under 0.3 seconds. So basically this amulet helps applying shock and freeze for non crit builds on targets with high HP/high resistances, increasing your shock/freeze capabilities to apply on such targets by 20%.

What you mention is a benefit; however the mod is not special. This modification is available from the passive tree. Static Blows and Breath of Lightning both have 20% shock duration. Breath of Rime has 20% increased freeze duration. Breath of Flames has 20% increased ignite duration. (the same and more is available from the tree)

Ignite actually benefits a lot from this:
Burning does 20% of the initial hit per second over 4 seconds, as a base. Using this amulet (or the node, or both) you get 0.8 seconds of additional burn time per 20% increase. The damage over time rate remains the same.

Say you hit the target for 100 fire damage and ignited them. Normally, they would take 80 damage over 4 seconds. With 20% increased duration, they take 96 damage over 4.8 seconds. With 40%, they take 112 damage over 5.6 seconds.

Basically, extending the duration of the ignite increases damage dealt, AND the time the burn can proliferate.

Yeah but if you target isnt dead in 4.8 seconds chances are you will have applied another burn before needing that extra 8 seconds, making the 20% increased duration pretty much useless. Unless you like to burn a foe and watch it burn 5 seconds without doing anything...
Combine with the following:

Chin sol, cloak of flames, gangs momentum, sun blast belt.

Burning arrow + trap + elemental proliferation + chance to ignite + point blank

Tree would get eldritch battery, resolute technique, avatar of fire, unwavering stance. Make sure to get ignite chance ignite duration, burning passives.

Ignite chance = 101%
(20% tree, 20% BA, 44% chance to ignite gem, 10% cloak of flames, 7% gangs momentum)


You're Welcome.

edit: i think you were the guy buying or selling that amulet on poe xyz for 1 EX :P , was considering buying until i saw the low life mirror arrow ele prolif build.
Last edited by link1313 on Feb 26, 2015, 6:07:34 PM

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