[1.3.1] DbyO's Phys Crit Reave Dagger [Reave to Freeze]

Apokryphtos wrote:
Hi, I am playing very similar build and want to share some thoughts.

1. You have a bit ineffective passive skill tree.

Your starting points

More efficient start

Basically it's more efficient. Note: this only works with your original tree, not the alternative one.

2. What's your thoughts about lightning strike? I personally find this skill to be much more effective and faster clearing as well as having a good single target damage when attacking from melee range. Maybe it's because I don't like the small radius charge-up time of Reave.

My links of lightning strike are: Lightning Strike + Multistrike + Melee Phys + Faster Attacks + Weapon ele (because of the conversion to lightning damage) (+ for 6l it would prob be Increased Crit Dmg or Additional Accuracy)

Passive tree remains the same for the most part, except we head for projectile pierce for added clear speed

Also note that I am running on mana so I pick up the mana leech for sustain.

I didn't take those defense nodes because I'm running Great Old One's Ward. You're right in those nodes being better if not for that shield.

I tested out both lightning strike and static strike after you mentioned it. I am not a fan of lightning strike. Something about it bothers me. Static strike on the other hand seems to work amazingly well with the build. It could be a lot with some changes.

Fhark wrote:
One thing is you use 2 passives avoiding 2 shield passives, remember that even if you dont care about the 3 block (down to 2 from acrobatics roughly) you gain 110% shield defenses which with a high evasion shield eg 1100-1500 x 110% is a lot of evasion. Otherwise it looks good I would personally do a higher dmg tree but thats me.

I avoided the 2 passives shield nodes because of Great Old One's Ward. It is definitely way more efficient with any other shield.

As for damage, it's just preferences. For me, 70k+ is more than enough for everything in the game.

Why dont u get phase acro?

I would love to, I just don't have enough passive points. :) Beside that, I don't believe it helps too much. Just preferences I suppose.

DeathbyOtter wrote:

Why dont u get phase acro?

I would love to, I just don't have enough passive points. :) Beside that, I don't believe it helps too much. Just preferences I suppose.

Give phase acrobatics a try in combination with atziri steps.
With a maximum of 46% spell dodge, combined with 30%+ spell dodge from vaal grace, you get very close to 80% spell dodge. (Which is also why I prefer to play this kind of build without a shield. The gained defense is marginal compared to what you can already get from phase acro and atziri steps)

With 80% spell dodge I can facetank any endgame map boss with high spike damage spells, for example Magaera on Crematorium, who is avoided by many player because of the ridiculous spike spell damage. (You can just stand right in the spells and nothing happens)

I do not know in which timezone you are active, but if you like we can run a few maps in the evening (GMT+1) and exchange some thoughts.
Last edited by RayTX on Feb 26, 2015, 4:05:04 AM

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