Leave trading alone, don't waste resources on it

no u
No equipment slot is unimportant, and your lack of era relevant knowledge says it all: You can't refute the point.

You missed the part where those boots aren't even BiS. I also said quite unimportant, in comparison to other slots, you know. Embarassing how you ignore and twist words now :3

As for people crying about self found, this is an online-only game. It's not meant to be solo self found. They'll have to get over it.

I said self found, not solo self found. The social aspect of trading is irrelevant, what matters is the itemization (as in item distribution, power curves etc). It would suck with automated trading.

However, speaking for Chris (or anyone else) puts your argument out of the realm of fact, and in the realm of presumption. Chris has his own reasons for what he thinks the game needs, and you don't get to interpret that for him. Lastly, I've already covered this, but Chris is not above criticism, nor is he incapable of changing his mind (same with the rest of the dev team).

He said they are working on a trading system, but it definitely won't have automated buyouts. Guess why? :)

Your argument doesn't hold water, and I'm actually bored of the poor reasoning the anti-AH crowd continually use here. PM me if you come up with something substantial. Until then, I'm done here.

My argument is perfectly solid, you haven't been able to refute it at all.


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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