I am dumb? Keep dying with good gear at lvl 87

Darkrox wrote:

Well, see it from my point of view and you might understand why I wonder:
Your Account dates back to Okt 2014

Thank you for taking time for answering me .
I 'll try to explain why I am in this situation just for you curiosity.
This is account I made recently for my son , he played for a while but then he quit.
I played his char sometimes till the patch. after that I quit also for 2 month cos I was bored of this game
1 week ago I had a bike accident and broke my leg, so I have to stay at home for 30 days without too much to do. So I start poe again, all my char was reset for 1.3. I tried to rebuild the incinerate witch I was playing / (the account i am typing) but after the block nerf it doesn't work as before ( at least for my expectation) So I decided to sell all my stuff and use a shav and a mjolner that was lying in my stash from months.
I searched for a fast premade build that could use a witch - a shav chest and a mjolner So I copied a build without knowing the inner meccanism ( I played only incinerete) for a char that have to last only 30 days , the time my leg heal ,after that mayybe I'll put in a closet poe.

that's it.

why are you running reduced mana and item rarity in your 6 link - reduced mana is completely uneeded - and you'd do better off just using a level 1 lightning strike - remember, with mjolner the skills are just used as triggers, nothing more.
leveling the gems does little more then increase the cost.

item rarity will have little to no effect when almost every kill is gonna come from arc or discharge.

if anything, go curse on hit, or put life leech/loh in the 6 link.

as for your mjolner links - they are wrong, life on hit wont do much for you - change it to life leech, so your getting leech back from arc and discharge.

your tree is fine, its standard mjolner tree with little variation.
Clearly need more uniques. Uniques=win.
I would put double discharge + multistrike in mjolner for better dps
IGN TylordRampage
Thank you all for the suggestions.
I managed to improve the build but I have a lot of problems with single target where sometimes the mob kill me before the discharge proc.
Any idea how to manager this situation?
Make sure your elemental resistances are maxed out at 75% and chaos resistance is at least 10% to 30%.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!

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