Guys who dont have desync are playing a different game from you. Come to SC where death really doesnt matter to most if you are unhappy with sync/ping. 10% exp penalty you can live with. Sinking a lvl 90 char you cant.
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
Guys who dont have desync are playing a different game from you. Come to SC where death really doesnt matter to most if you are unhappy with sync/ping. 10% exp penalty you can live with. Sinking a lvl 90 char you cant.

I dont know what game you play but if its POE i can say i cant see any desync for miles.
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion
- Diablo Series Veteran
- Former top 10 Pvp Sorceress - Hestia (Retired)
- Former ShadowDiablo member
- Project Duel, D2PK, D2ORIGINS Support and Development Team
-Other names: Xim, Forbidden, Tyl3r,
Tijhor wrote:
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion

It may stink when you die, but the rush you feel when you scrape through a fight with a sliver of health is incredible. Hardcore mode is not for everyone, but I highly recommend trying it at least once.
FunkyFritter wrote:
Tijhor wrote:
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion

It may stink when you die, but the rush you feel when you scrape through a fight with a sliver of health is incredible. Hardcore mode is not for everyone, but I highly recommend trying it at least once.

HC can only be described as a more careful and slower version of SC and with maybe some heart racing. I dont get the big deal anyways, why the silly division of HC and SC players? HC players alt f4 almost more than SC players do, one does it for not moving a char to SC and the other does it to not lose XP. For me, everyone who uses alt f4 is a loser plain and simple. I prefer to play with people who dont take games too serious and dont alt f4 wildly.
Shagsbeard wrote:
De-sync is affected by where you're playing from. It's also very dependent on playstyle and build.

Some people are all but unaffected by it.

Some can't play the game at all.

Doesn't make anyone a liar... your experiences with it don't reflect how others have experienced it.

de-sync is the result of shitty netcode and a crappy algorithm, which makes the player feel every single network hiccup and packet loss, then smacks the player with it across the face at the worst possible moment, as serious bugs tend to do - instead of actually handling it better, predicting more abstractly, trusting the client more etc'.

Some people are all but unaffected by it.
Some can't play the game at all.
as often happens when one allows oneself to throw things which typically don't pass a staff Beta-Tester's inspection, right at the actual end user.

Doesn't make anyone a liar... your experiences with it don't reflect how others have experienced it.

GGG won't ever fix it, because they can't be fucking bothered to fix issues which are a lot easier by comparison, for at least 2 fucking years - so tackling the game's craziest, most complex #1 super-bug?
yeah. right.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Dec 22, 2014, 2:35:13 PM
Late entry, but should still win "Best Rage Thread of the Year 2014".
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Tijhor wrote:
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion
Endless debate inc.

Different stokes for different people. I like the adrenaline rush. I don't mind losing 100+ hours on a character because it helps me learn to let things go. I lose a high level char, I laugh, think about how I died and what I could have done to prevent it, and try not to do that again. It's the harshest but most effective way of learning. I died because my internet was crapping out but I foolishly decided to run a map with a freshly 6 linked Lightning Coil. RIP. I sighed, deleted that character immediately so I can reuse the name, and started again. Lesson learned - internet starts hiccuping, portal your ass to town and wait until it stabilizes.

Especially playing melee, it forces you to plan and think one step ahead constantly. Learn a mob or boss' mechanics and anticipate what they'll do next, so you can already start moving to avoid it and live. SC doesn't offer that level of engagement.
IGN- Vyvanne | Voxxvi (Tempest League)
Vyvanne's Odds and Bods Boutique - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1311497
Last edited by Vyvanne on Dec 22, 2014, 2:35:10 PM
FunkyFritter wrote:
Tijhor wrote:
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion

It may stink when you die, but the rush you feel when you scrape through a fight with a sliver of health is incredible. Hardcore mode is not for everyone, but I highly recommend trying it at least once.

HC can only be described as a more careful and slower version of SC and with maybe some heart racing. I dont get the big deal anyways, why the silly division of HC and SC players? HC players alt f4 almost more than SC players do, one does it for not moving a char to SC and the other does it to not lose XP. For me, everyone who uses alt f4 is a loser plain and simple. I prefer to play with people who dont take games too serious and dont alt f4 wildly.

I have considered it, my problem ( was) that I live out in the sticks. Our local internet provider did not have upgraded service where we lived. My connection speed was 100kbps haha. Now I have a better source, but I still dunno. Unfortunately I came to this game late but after I get the hang of things, Perhaps I will.

Alt+f4 angers me as well. Mainly when I used to PVP on Diablo 2, Mainly ProjectDuel. Some people have such egos, they cant lose so they leave the game when they are about to die. I find it quite pitiful. I mean it is just a game.
- Diablo Series Veteran
- Former top 10 Pvp Sorceress - Hestia (Retired)
- Former ShadowDiablo member
- Project Duel, D2PK, D2ORIGINS Support and Development Team
-Other names: Xim, Forbidden, Tyl3r,
Vyvanne wrote:
Tijhor wrote:
I have never quite understood why people play hardcore. Sure it's an added challenge and all. But to spend all that time on a character, then when you die, lose everything you spent that time working for, It all seems silly to me. I reckon I'd go mental if I had a high level character and died and lost everything, but that is just my opinion
Endless debate inc.

Different stokes for different people. I like the adrenaline rush. I don't mind losing 100+ hours on a character because it helps me learn to let things go. I lose a high level char, I laugh, think about how I died and what I could have done to prevent it, and try not to do that again. It's the harshest but most effective way of learning. I died because my internet was crapping out but I foolishly decided to run a map with a freshly 6 linked Lightning Coil. RIP. I sighed, deleted that character immediately so I can reuse the name, and started again. Lesson learned - internet starts hiccuping, portal your ass to town and wait until it stabilizes.

Especially playing melee, it forces you to plan and think one step ahead constantly. Learn a mob or boss' mechanics and anticipate what they'll do next, so you can already start moving to avoid it and live. SC doesn't offer that level of engagement.

Eh I try to do this sort of thing, I try to not die at all or as little as possible. I kinda play my own version of hardcore but since I used to be prone to lag, I was really scared to try HC in the Diablo Series. I'd be completely fine then suddenly my game would just up and crash for no reason, or freeze. But now I may try it. With college now I don't have much time to play so what the heck, why not haha!
- Diablo Series Veteran
- Former top 10 Pvp Sorceress - Hestia (Retired)
- Former ShadowDiablo member
- Project Duel, D2PK, D2ORIGINS Support and Development Team
-Other names: Xim, Forbidden, Tyl3r,

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