Currency talley!

big 0 for all 555 hours played....

I feeling charlie brown on halloween

I got a chaos!

I got an exalt!

Me: I got a rock....
I dont see any any key!
Looking at this thread, I feel like my luck with eternal orbs is a bit below average. Never gotten a single one so far. I haven't been keeping track of exalts, but I've gotten enough divines and exalts by now that when another one drops, I calmly pick it up and continue on with it -- can't get super-excited over it anymore.
Exalted Orbs: 8-ish
Eternal Orbs: 0
Mirror: 0

2 shavs, 1 soultaker, 1 bino's

Playing for 1.5 month now, so I cant complain I guess

Exalted: 34
Eternal: 3
Mirrors: none :(
Hmm, never kept real count but I can estimate.

EX: Probably around 15 total. I dropped 4 on Beyond alone, so that was pretty lucky.
ET: 1 on Hardcore a few months before Beyond
Mirror: None obviously, and boy do I feel bad for anyone that found one and traded it on the cheap. For someone to give a Zombie gem… I've ripped people off before, but that's just fucked up lol. If I found someone willing to do that, even in a video game world, I'd feel guilty and at least toss them a bunch of Exalted lol.

Never found a "chase" unique either. Highest uniques I've found are a Lioneye's Glare on Beyond, maybe 4 pairs of Rainbowstrides, and two Bringers, all non-legacy except one Rainbow.

I did drop a Tabula on the first day of Beyond so that was a nice leg up.
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