24 October 0.9.3 Progress Update

It's been two weeks since we gave our last update to the progress on the new patch, so here are some quick notes of what we're up to.

0.9.3 has been on Alpha for almost a week and we've been getting some great feedback. That feedback has prompted several changes, for example some major rewriting of how we do damage scaling on items and skills. These changes of course require more rebalancing, which have delayed things slightly.

In addition, we've had a lot of feedback on our first draft of the new passive skill tree that have forced us to reconsider how we want to approach passive trees, so we're trying some new pretty experimental stuff (that I am keen to show you as soon as we know it's not totally crazy).

In the meantime, stability is being polished and broken systems are being hooked up again.

I'd like to say that I expect it to be ready in a week, but to be honest, I expect it's going to be two weeks. I know the perpetual "it's ready in two weeks" thing has been stated for a month now, but it's getting very close and is easily the largest patch Path of Exile has ever had. It's important that we get this patch right because it changes so many core systems! Think about it as "Beta Phase 2".

To make it up to you guys, I'm going to make sure that we start releasing more information about new skills and other features of the patch in the form of short videos and screenshots soon.

Thanks for being the patient, great community that you are.
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Man. That makes me want to start playing even more. But I guess it makes sense to start playing after the changes anyways, uh?

Either way. Rock on and keep doing what you do!

Oh and First ^^
Last edited by soulweaverx on Oct 23, 2011, 8:48:18 PM
Thanks for the update.
"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof."

-Christopher Hitchens

I think I would be just as excited about getting access to the beta forums as I would about getting access to the game.

Speaking of which. Can anyone tell me if the beta only forums are active?

And... For some reason waiting 2 weeks some how seems easier than waiting the 24 minutes I wait every 24 minutes lol
Glad to hear more updates and teasers will be posted. That should go a long way in keeping people interested.

soulweaverx wrote:
Can anyone tell me if the beta only forums are active?
Yes, very active.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
Kiwi pets and Spark spam FTW.
Sounds like a lot of hard work has been done here. Can't wait to see it pay off!
The doctors say his chances are 50/50... but there's only a 10% chance of that.
Take as long as you guys need! I'm excited for the new content. But I have plenty of things to distract me while I wait. (Homework for example =.=)
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to the update!
scyko42 wrote:
Take as long as you guys need! I'm excited for the new content. But I have plenty of things to distract me while I wait. (Homework for example =.=)

Agreed. Thanks for the update!!!
Thanks for the update! Any chance you guys could speed up the beta timer and allow those of us that want to test things out a chance? :)
Since .92
Last edited by Wijis on Oct 23, 2011, 9:09:21 PM

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