Lag Spike Issue

It looks like you're getting consistent latency spikes in the first line of all of your reports.

| - 1 | 502 | 501 | 6 | 14 | 103 | 33 |

Is the trace to the SG gateway for example. Going by the IP address, that appears to be an internal connection (usually between your computer and router). This shouldn't be showing any latency at all if that's the case.

Are you using a wireless router at all? If so, I'd recommend trying to run a direct connection to rule out anything to do with wireless.

If you're not using wireless, I'd definitely recommend restarting your router at a minimum, and possibly checking the cable that you're using.

The goal should be to have no latency spikes on that first hop, or at a very minimum, very very low latency. That's likely to be the source of your problems.

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