TyrantKeel's Invincible Horde

2.1 Builds - 2.3 Builds


This thread is a log of my characters, which I use to see which items each build is using. I tend to share items between multiple builds, so this seems like a good way to keep track of it all.

1.2 Builds
BingoTriceratops - Incinerate
PrimevalAlbatross - Cleave

Heavy Strike RT version

Cleave Crit version - better in every way

StepsisterHitomi - Summon Raging Spirits
HenryGodbeard - Summon Spectre
He dies a lot, but his since he's level 88 his build is complete enough that I don't care about levelling, so he's great for magic finding and building up a map pool because he can run absolutely any map mods.

TinySeaAnemone - Tornado Shot

This character benefitted greatly from items originally acquired for my low life spectral throw character from last season. I find spectral throw unplayably unfun now, but am enjoying Tornado Shot a ton.

KanaLittleSister - Summon Zombies, Summon Skeletons
Passive Tree

Uses EB, MoM, IR and AA for defenses. Has very little life, but survives very well thanks to high mitigation and instant life flasks. Was originally intended to be a pure summon skeleton character but even after recent buffs you cannot clear very effectively using skeletons alone. Thanks to HenryGodbeard's level 21 Zombie gem and StepSisterHitomi's GG SRS staff, it was easy to add powerful zombies to her repertoire.

SolarisNeptune - Ball Lighting
This character ended up being pretty disappointing. Even with top notch gear, corrupted empower, and a glass cannon spell crit passive tree, Ball Lightning just isn't very powerful.

SolarisNeptune - Arc

322% IIR/39% IIQ without using the MF gems, this character is probably the best combination of high damage and magic find I have ever had.

TeakettleJake - Mjolner, low life crit

This character was almost a failure, sort of. I ran out of chromes trying to get 2G and 2R on the shavs, but remembered that I had 6 perfect off colours eternaled from two leagues earlier. Kind of awesome.


GenialNemo - Reave
85k dps, 8500 armour, 75 block, 60 spell block, legacy aegis aurora.Build

SmolderingJustice - Power Siphon

BrightBeam - Fireball
I tried GMP-Chain, and while it was quite good for taking out packs, even with shotgunning the single target wasn't up to scratch. Replacing Chain with Fire Pen solved that but the overall flow of playing the character wasn't very satisfying. Good magic find though.

FoggyTomato - Chaos Freeze Pulse

Other Treasures

Legendary Superweapons

Last edited by Crocodarrel on Jun 12, 2016, 2:05:10 AM
1.3 Builds

TinySeaAnemone - Dual Totem Tornado Shot

SmolderingJustice - Kinetic Blast

BingoTriceratops - Incinerate (with Cold Snap)

BonnieHarpoon - Reave/Viper Strike/Puncture
My first attempt at a pvp character. Extremely tanky but damage is only so-so. At 30k RT dps, I tend to run into shield users who I can't kill. Generally very safe, but some kind of spell trapper was one-shotting me even with 6K ES and Incandescent's innate 81% max-res.

GloriousMagellan - Static Strike

68k with Foe Peak
100k with Abyssus

SimonEelCactus - Static Strike (sword and board)

TyrantKeel - Crit Staff Static Strike

HenryGodbeard - Summon Zombie
BostonMalice - Herald of Thunder
Stats at level 83
Incinerate LMP: 9451 (freezes and shocks)
Herald of Thunder: 305-14042 Lightning damage (30% freeze chance), 239-360 Fire damage (can't shock)
Herald of Ice: 1793-2689 fire damage (20% shock chance)
Life: 2877
ES: 610
No other defenses to speak of, but is effective at damaging enemies while moving, without stopping, so it works pretty well for a novelty build.

GastonTunafish - LLD Melee

SharktoothMeteor - SRS (Bloodlines)
Ripped at level 69 against Igna Phoenix. It was really dumb, I should have just abandoned the Zana mission.

Grimfowl - Poison Arrow
That +1 arrows drillneck just keeps on giving. So OP.

RobustHelicopter - SRS - Bloodlines (Still alive!)
Alternate chest for more armour, was using this until I sniped that perfect Kaom's, and still swap it in for higher phys damage situations.

LonnieSeaUrchin - Dual-wield (sortof) Claw Reave - Torment

LunarBrawn - Facebreakers
34kdps (in a 5link), 3700 life, 4k armour, 6k eva, 44% block, 12% spellblock. Facebreakers were buffed quite a lot by Great Old One's Ward, this character turned out to be very powerful.

SolarisNeptune - Spark

Spark is not very strong...

StepsisterHitomi - Zombie/Spectre Summoner (Evangelists)
Based off of LiftingNerdBro's summoner, I adjusted it a bit to boost the damage. Build

Weapon Swap:

MidgertonRye - Phys Crit Tornado Shot
Room for improvement still. Lots of unused links and the flasks aren't ideal, but a 40k 4 arrow tornado shot is a beautiful thing.

KanaLittleSister - LL BM Tornado Shot
Using Flubby's build. I've often found that getting or leeching enough mana to attack continously is a problem with low life blood magic builds. Immortal Flesh actually handles this quite well, but the rest of the gear doesn't have enough resists to make that work yet. DPS around 62k so far, but there is room for improvement. Notably, Added Fire Damage is not an effective gem in this situation, and a crit/crit multi/WED quiver with resists would boost dps, make something other than pierce practical, and result in an overall much higher dps. To do that I would also need to go to significant expense in order to recolour the corrupted windripper.

I might just sell the Windripper and go back to using Glyph Mark.

FoggyTomato - Burn Prolif Arctic Breath
A work-in-progress. I've been wanting to try out a burn prolif build for a while now. So far I haven't gotten the clear speed to a good place, and the build has next to no defenses.

Last edited by Crocodarrel on May 31, 2015, 1:25:15 AM
1.3 Builds Continued

TerracottaSeamstress - LL Flame Totem
Stats at level 81
GMP Flame Totem: 18.2k
ES: 3300
ES regen: 60 Zealot's Oath
MF: 173% IIR / 39% IIQ

PredatoryJungleFish - CI Crit Cleave
130k dps (160 with power and frenzy charges), 4200 es, 7000 armour, but only 32% block chance. Balance of offense and defense is not yet perfect but since 1 rumi flask gets block to 70%, so she's still very tanky.

MiracleMilo - EB Crit Cyclone
A weird experiment of a build. I had been collecting high end EV/ES gear because those pieces seemed generally underpriced for how good they were otherwise. With such gear, I could go CI, Life/ES hybrid or EB and try to build enough of a man pool to run a high level Arctic Armour. I chose the EB route, and with grace have 22k evasion (70% chance at level 71), but with only 2K life there just isn't enough of a buffer for the odd hit that goes through. If I could get enough life from gear and tree to hit about 4K, and get enough mana to run the AA around level 12-15 I think the original goal would be accomplished. The current version of the passive tree just doesn't accommodate this very well though.

BrightBeam - Sword/Dagger Assassin
106k (dragon clasp) / 123k (carrion braid) dual strike splash, 3000 life, 3000 armour, 4000 evade, lightning coil, very tanky and strong. Fun build themed around being a sword-and-dagger wielding agile killer.

PrimevalAlbatross - Champion of Thunder / Static Strike Block Tank
45k tooltip Static Strike, 6k armour, 78% block, 66% spell block. Specializes in lightning attacks and not dying.

WarBeetle - Full Spectrum Battlemage / Ele Crit Ethereal Knives
This character turned out stronger than I expected. 55k dps ek with faster projectiles, 6K ES, doing damage of all three elements and physical. What really makes the difference is that Ele weakness on hit gloves. When torment ends I will replace the Hrimsorrows with Ele Weakness on Hit Asenath's Touch for a bit of extra defense.

1MSC IskyPoole - Crit Tornado Shot

1MHC EucalyptusNightshade - Flame Totem

BonnieHarpoon - The Blood Raven Archer Summoner
LonnieSeaUrchin - Claw/Dagger Assassin
Stats at level 88
Dual Strike: 178k
Vengeance: 13k
Riposte: 34k
Life: 3886
Armour: 6580 +Lightning Coil
Vaal Pact, Unwavering Stance, Iron Reflexes
67% IIR, 20% IIQ

SolarisNeptune - Dual Spark Totem (Failure)
Thought I'd give Spark another try. I played around with self cast and totem and even though the damage was ok and there's some potential there, I just wasn't liking the build.

WarBeetle - Crit EK Life Version (Much better)
Stats at level 87
EK DPS: 78k
Armour: 2300
Life: 3850
Arctic Armour Level 10
135% IIQ / 39% IIQ
Vaal Pact


Video of Precinct Run
BingoTriceratops - Low life Scold's Incinerate
Stats at level 83
GMP Incinerate: 11k dps
ES: 3800
MF: 179%IIR / 39% IIQ
Arctic Armour: Lv 13
Vaal Pact, Unwavering Stance, Inner Force

I thought the EK build was strong but Incinerate makes it look sick and weak in comparison. This build has way bigger AoE, singletarget, is reflect immune, better resists, cannot be stunned, and has higher ES and more magic find. Basically eats my EK build's lunch in every possible way. Only map mods to avoid here are Blood Magic and no regen.

Normal MF gear:

Situational gear:

I'm going to miss Incinerate when 2.0 hits.
TinySeaAnemone - Dual Ranged Attack Totem Life Crit version
Stats at level 88
Tornado Shot with 4 projectiles: 14K (but as usual, higher because of the ele weakness maligaros)
Life: 2900
Evasion: 8377
Magic Find: 100% IIR / 20% IIQ
Totem Life: +80%

The craziest thing about this build, is not the fact that the totems are so strong, but the fact that the totems leech 8% phys damage as life. I didn't even think about this when planning the build, but it actually makes a huge difference in it's effectiveness. I put this together on a whim, but it turned out to be crazy awesome.

LaughingTom - Crit Staff Summoner
Another weird experiment, a Glacial Hammer Freeze build with full group of fully specced 6linked zombies for extra DPS and defense. It plays pretty well actually, but it doesn't have enough mana yet to keep up zombies if they die, so it will never be good against stronger elemental damage bosses. For regular mapping it's great, because the Zombies have high life and regen and are very tanky. The Temporal Chains on Hit Maligaros allow me to run through packs, freezing them while my zombies follow behind killing everything. Reflect would be a problem, but when I run into reflect packs I just order my zombies into them and then attack once the rare has been killed. Overall, it's isn't nearly as strong as just building around staff damage, but it was a fun experiment and I'll probably return and level it more when 2.0 hits.

Stats at level 78
Glacial Hammer: 27k
Life: 3169
Armour: 4600
Life regen: 207/s
Minions: 8 zombies with 7653 life and 6% life regen (459/s)

TyrantKeel - Crit Staff Ground Slam
Stats at level 87
Ground Slam: 68k DPS (plus ele weakness on hit Maligaro's)
Life: 7388
Armour: 4276
Life/s: 622
Block: 24%
Movespeed: 33%
20% AoE from tree

The playstyle is kind of similar to my EK build, but with 100% pierce, automatic targetting, and a much larger life pool with high regen. Overall a very tanky build.

BrightBeam - Kinetic Blast
Stats at level 85
GMP Kinetic Blast: 49k (78k with 6 power charges, 90% crit chance)
Life: 3097
Vaal Pact, Elemental Weakness on Hit, Eldritch Battery

Alternate amulet for lower damage and safer play.

SimonEelCactus - Lightning Strike
This build is unfinished, but don't know if I'll bother to return to it anytime soon.

Stats at level 86
Lightning Strike tooltip: 102k, with LMP, so projectiles around 50k dps
Life: 3691
Ar: 5831
Ev: 3730

ValleyMogul - Thundermage
Stats at level 79
Ball Lightning: 13k
Life: 5379
Defense: 1781ar level 9 AA (-32dmg)

Now using

BilgeOtter - Soul Taker Cyclone
Stats at level 78
Cyclone: 60k
Life: 2978
Armour: 3499
Eva: 4649
Life/s: 260 (8 frenzy charges, blood dance)

Stats at level 83
Dropped Abyssus, added Acro/Phase Acro. Experimented with Blood Dance, Darkray Vectors and Atziri's Step. Overall, Blood Dance provides the best survivability by far with 8 frenzy charges providing 11% regeneration, or 360/s at current level. In a no-regen map Darkrays provide the best survivability.
DPS: 51k with 8 frenzy charges, using Increased AoE instead of Conc Effect
Armour: 943
Eva: 6933, 7635 with frenzy charges
Life/s: 108, 365 with frenzy charges
Blood Dance: 46% dodge, 30% spell dodge
Darkray Vectors: 62% dodge, 30% spell dodge
Atziri's Step: 46% dodge, 45% spell dodge

Last edited by Crocodarrel on May 28, 2015, 1:43:32 AM
1.3 Builds, Continued
HenryGodbeard - Life/Ar Summoner
Stats at level 88
Life: 3700
Ar: 4k

From these 5 jewels he gets 19%minion life, 4% minion block, 37%minion res and 77% minion damage. Pretty nice.

Some other nice minion jewels I made along the way:


Stats at level 88
Life: 3517
Armour: 3191
Life/s: 140
5 Mon'tregul Zombies

And use any of these shields with Necromantic Aegis, depending on the situation:

Animate Guardian's Gear

Going to experiment with Wake of Destruction and Blood Dance to see which works better. I suspect I'll prefer Blood Dance for the frenzy charges and regen.

Animated Guardian, even when straining to make it invincible and get some dps, isn't worth a 6L even in a gimmick build. Regeared to use Mon'tregul zombies and spectres as DPS and gave guardian a leer cast.

The zombies have 15k life, and 900 life/s, so they're pretty reliable.

RobustHelicopter - CoC Cyclone
Got a weird dagger cheaply from a friend, so thought I'd try and make something interesting with it. I made this build as a templar because I wanted to focus on getting all the strong ele nodes on the tree, as well as crit and power charges, so it's fewer spells for a CoC build but they're stronger.

Stats at level 85:
Cyclone: 33k with power and frenzy charges/blood rage
ES: 4783
ES/s: 105
Ar: 1941

Currently this build plays pretty much the same as a regular cyclone build, but the CoC spells do add some flair. Not being able to use seething pots make the build harder to keep alive than I would like for a level 85 character.

Bulbasaur - Crit 1H Sword Heavy Armour Tank
Stats at level 80
Infernal Blow: 71k, (88k with power and frenzy charges)
Life: 3165 (140/s)
Armour: 25,223 (71%)
Armour with Determination: 37,329 (78%)
Unwavering Stance, Iron Reflexes

Very tanky build.

TeakettleJake - Double Strike Mjolner
Continuing my theme of hybrid builds, this one actually attempts to scale the phys damage of Mjolner, on the tree and through gear. This is a weird, suboptimal and extremely fun build.

Stats at level 87:
Double Strike: 30k, 32k with power charges
Life: 3743
Life/s: 126
Armour: 7037
Block: 32%

MagnanimousCurio - Crit Explosive Arrow

FoggyTomato - Chaos Arcer
Stats at level 81
Arc (100% chaos): 25.2k (45% chance to shock, 29% crit chance, Celestial Punishment)
ES: 3739
Block: 24, 52 with rumi's
Stun Recovery: 66% (helps a lot)
MF: 197%IIR / 51%IIQ

GenialNemo - Tri Arc Totem
Stats at lebel 89
Arc Totem: 26k
Defenses: 3026life, 1432ES
Life/s: 60
Mana/s: 123
MF: 211/112


Stats at level 89
Arc Totem DPS: 16k
Defenses: 3055 life, 1450 ES
Life/s: 90
Mana/s: 130
MF: 211/93

DPS rings:

Last edited by Crocodarrel on Jul 17, 2015, 4:10:46 PM
2.0 Builds
Bulbasaur - Crit Sword Infernal Blow Tank
Stats at level 84
Infernal Blow: 121K (160K with blood rage/frenzy charges)
Life: 3906
Armour: 17k
Evasion: 3.9k
Life/s: 234
Block: 28

TinySeaAnemone - Dual Tornado Shot Totems
Stats at level 89
4 arrow tornado shot at 161/40 MF: 19.4k, 24.1k with 3 frenzy charges
with dps gear: 27.4k, 32.2k with 3 frenzy charges
Life: 2846
Eva: 10150
Dodge: 40/46

EucalyptusNightshade - Minion Swarm! 6 Spectres, 11 zombies
Stats at level 82
Unreserved life: 530
ES: 3692
Life/s: 32
ES/s: 147
Chaos res: 67%
Hatred, Grace, Anger all with Generosity, and 54% aura effect from tree

StepsisterHitomi - SRS
I want to do a dual wield wand version, but haven't gotten all the gear I need for it yet.

Stats at level 90
Offense: sustains 25 SRS with Hatred/generosity/36%tree effectivemess/179%miniondamage
Life: 6047
Life/s: 305

SolarisNeptune - Magma Orb Nova
Stats at level 87
Tooltip DPS with damage rings and Conc Effect: 74k
with Ele Prolif: 36k, so not worth it
with Inc AoE: 48K
with Added Chaos: 54K
Life: 2936 (73/s)
ES: 303
Armour: 2572
Eva: 2369

WarBeetle - Ethereal Knives
This build sure was buffed by 2.0. Played around with elemental conversion variations, such as using Hrimsorrow, Pyre, Consuming Dark and Infernal Mantle to convert all Cold and Fire damage into Chaos damage.

Offense: Tooltip DPS ranges from 100k to 230k
Best DPS was obviously from using dual wands, dual Ming's, legacy Maligaro's
Life: 2867 (28/s)


TyrantKeel - Staff Crit Ice Crash
Stats at level 88
Ice Crash DPS: 66k, 78k w/3 Frenzy Charges, 110k w/Taste of Hate
Life: 5549 (279/s)
Armour: 3216, Fortify linked to main skill
use Arctic Armour instead of Herald of Ash for dangerous phys/fire maps

BingoTriceratops - Wild Strike
Stats at level 83
Wild Strike Tooltip: 69k
Life: 2990
ES: 1776
Armour: 1379
Evasion: 1486
Lightning Coil, Corrupted Energy Jewel

GloriousMagellan - Righteous Fire
Stats at level 86
Life: 10733 (1476/s)
Armour: 5951

Pretty boring to play. I probably won't level this one.

TeakettleJake - Double Strike Mjolner
Stats at level 88
Double strike tooltip: 34.5k
Life: 4508 (279/s)
Armour: 7190, Unwavering

PredatoryJungleFish - Incinerate Totem, best magic finder ever
Stats at level 83
Incinerate Totem Tooltip: 14.9k, Rain of Splinters
Life: 2796 (55/s)
42% Stun Recovery
Magic Find: 329%IIR/148%IIQ

GenialNemo - Dual Shockwave Totem
Stats at level 89
DPS: 47.9k
Life: 3572 (71/s)
ES: 1227
Ar: 2090
Magic Find: 189/49

Stepsister Hitomi - Flame Golem Build
You've not seen true power until you have witnessed the awesome wrath of the level 28 Flame Golem. He is assisted by SRS, Vaal Summon Skeletons and a pack of 6 Zombies, all of whom are enhanced by Generositied Hatred and Anger. Frightful indeed.

KanaLittleSister - Ice Crash Permafreezer
Stats at level 85
Ice Crash: 44k unbuffed, 58k w/6 power charges, +Hypothermia, +Assassin's Mark
Crit Chance: 60% unbuffed, 86% with 6 Power Charges
Life: 2538 (25/s)
ES: 834
Lightning Coil, Eye of Chayula

A lot tankier than the low EHP would suggest, because of the constant freezes and lightning coil. Despite the Chayula, it's easily strong enough to clear quickly, I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out.

TODO: Find good use for 6L staff, spec into bandit power charge, get more life.

MidgertonRye - Ele Split Arrow
Stats at level 78
Tooltip: 43k unbuffed, 67k with 5 power and 3 frenzy charges
Life: 3183 (71/s)
Defense: Lightning Coil, Acro/Phase Acro
In the next 7 levels I will 3 more frenzy charges, 10%
life and 1.6% life regen

Still plenty of room for playing around with gems.

IskyPoole - Null's Inclination Tornado Shot Summoner
Stats at level 81
Tornado Shot 4 Arrows: 13.7k
Null's Inclination: 2 SRS, 1 Animate Weapon, sometimes swap 1 SRS for Flesh Offering
Life: 2992
Defense: Lightning Coil
Minions: 7 zombies, Vaal Summon Skeletons

MidlightMillie - Summoner - 1MSC Flaskback

Animated Guardian

SimonEelCactus - Monk
Stats at level 86
Ice Crash: 47k. 55k with Fire Golem and Blood Rage. 70k with Fortify and 3 frenzy charges.
Uses Inc AoE and Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
Life: 4661 (289/s)
Armour: 5597
Block: 45%/12%
Lightning Coil, Unwavering Stance

Grimfowl - Barbarian
Stats at level 87
Cleave: 131k-200k Blood Rage, 3 Frenzy Charges, 3 Power Charges has Fortify
with Abyssus: 168k-252k
Viper Strike: 100k-180k has Increased Duration
Life: 3924 (214/s)
Defense: 662 armour, Lightning Coil, Fortify, 40% Dodge, 30% Spell Dodge

GloriousMagellan - Life Regen Reaver
Stats at level 86
Reave: 12k, 15k with 3 Frenzy Charges
Life: 8895 (1756/s)
Defense: 8350 armour, Fortify, Unwavering Stance

BrightBeam - ES Regen Incinerate Tank
Stats at level 88
LMP Incinerate tooltip: 13.5k
ES: 15,229 (3,204/s)
Block: 31
Unwavering Stance, Arctic Armour

This build cost me exactly 1 exalt. I added the 17% ES to the ring. Everything else was already sitting in my stash.

Last edited by Crocodarrel on Oct 29, 2015, 4:00:34 PM
2.0 Builds Continued
PrimevalAlbatross - Crit 2H Axe
Stats at level 87
Cleave, with Fortify: 72k
Life: 4539 (245/s)
Armour: 6751
Unwavering Stance

RobustHelicopter - Elemental Ranger Templar
Stats at level 85
GMP Ice Shot Tooltip (no Cold pen): 87k
Life: 6050 (401/s)
Armour: 2624, 3900 with Molten Shell up
Maintains endurance charges with Smashing Strikes and Lioneye's Fall.

Last edited by Crocodarrel on Jan 4, 2016, 1:39:58 PM
Reserved post.
Reserved post.
Where do I begin? Your characters are insanely well geared.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.

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