Ofcourse GGG would release more MTX's....

SL4Y3R wrote:
These mtx are from the garena server. They're not even new.

Way to make yourself look foolish OP.

Where did you get that? The new mtx are gonna be released TOMORROW on garena servers.
That said, OP statement is silly as showed by previous posts.
I see it like this:

POE is f2p. The only way to get any money to keep this game up and improving is by micro transactions.
POE doesn't have some insane playerbase as, let's say, D3, which POE does deserve IMO:). I remember seeing a post with records of 100-150k players online at the same time.
Not every player will spend money in POE. Players that do spend money buy stashtabs and some effects. But then what? Once you have the extra tabs and some effects why spend more? So if they don't bring out new stuff, the paying player will stop paying, and the non-paying playerbase will never buy.

I see 3 kind of players in POE:
- never spend any dime (I expect this to only be a small part of the playerbase)
- spend few bucks to get some stashtabs and nothing more ever, perhaps spending remaining points on a skill or 2.
- spend (a lot) more and buy whatever they like

Im my own case: -
I have several weapon effects (and only use 1)
I have footprints
I have a full armour skin set
I have 21 stashtabs
I have a few skill-skins
I have a few pets
I have 410 points left to spend......

They NEED to bring out new stuff before I have/want to spend more money. And I think the better half of the paying player base has the same issue. And with no income = no support in keeping this game going.

How dare they try to make some money to pay programmers and other staff, servers and other costs of bringing you a game. Eval capitalist pigs they should work for free right comrade?
Git R Dun!
Since when were their graphic artists programmers?

Let me guess you thin one person works on everything and when graphics are being made no other work can be done right?
My degree is in Computer Animation. You do NOT want me trying to fix your desynch issues. I'll just leave it at that. :P

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