Trap, Mine, Totem Specialization passive nodes

mark1030 wrote:
I agree that the totem damage nodes are pretty worthless. I skipped them all in favor of bigger damage nodes that weren't totem specific.

Maybe Spell Totem shouldn't be a support gem at all. Maybe it should somehow be a keystone like Ancestral Bond (maybe even behind AB). Since you can't do any damage with self cast spells anyway, have it just turn all your spells into totems with whatever damage penalty needed.

Um, what? Please no. Worthless totem nodes? Well, for you maybe, i took all of them. Yeah, kill build diversity so you guys can have your 3 working high dps builds.

Lol, I'm not even playing a totem build this league, and I'm asking for improved build diversity.

We're saying that there are better nodes that do not even require specialization - crit, cast/attack speed, higher efficiency more generic damage nodes.

The Math is op.
I'm not sure if everyone is getting everything I'm saying. Look at the 8+8+8+14% totem nodes... they average only 9.5%, and I'd probably be moving to get them. Yet there are such great other nodes (Spell, Ele, Phys, Projectile) in the Witch and Shaddow area... which also benefit mines/traps, and thus are more useful too. I'd probably only really care to chase Totemic mastery if I was doing the curse when totems die chest or otherwise wanted to buff my totem defenses, as the offense here isn't that efficient.

Yes, and it's best that totem nodes are weaker than any and all other elemental and non-totem damage nodes.

If a build can get 100% totem damage or 120% fire damage, they'll take the fire damage. That's because the fire damage is higher than the totem damage, and they'll be using fire with their totems.

However, if it takes fewer points to get 80% totem damage and/or they won't be using all fire, they'll take the totem damage. This is because the totem nodes are more useful due to their versatility. This is one advantage of CoC. All of CoC's damage comes from crits, so crit multiplier is desired over specific damage bonuses.

The day totem, trap, or mine passives yield more damage per point compared to other nodes is the day those builds become overpowered again.

mark1030 wrote:
I agree that the totem damage nodes are pretty worthless. I skipped them all in favor of bigger damage nodes that weren't totem specific.

Maybe Spell Totem shouldn't be a support gem at all. Maybe it should somehow be a keystone like Ancestral Bond (maybe even behind AB). Since you can't do any damage with self cast spells anyway, have it just turn all your spells into totems with whatever damage penalty needed.

Hell fucking no.

The totem support gems are invaluable to build capability. I'd much rather have the option to plug in a ST when I want it than have to spec into a keystone that causes all of my skills to become totems.

mark1030 wrote:
I agree that the totem damage nodes are pretty worthless. I skipped them all in favor of bigger damage nodes that weren't totem specific.

Um, what? Please no. Worthless totem nodes? Well, for you maybe, i took all of them. Yeah, kill build diversity so you guys can have your 3 working high dps builds.

So, you like those 8% totem damage nodes? Game changer, eh? I'd be curious to see your spec to see how much more than 56% increased damage could be had by choosing other nodes.
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