Healing Spells/Skills?

Will we ever see any dedicated healing spells/skills in the game? (not counting support gems)
Rejuvenation totem?
My name is Statik and I'm an Altaholic. I need to make new builds. Just for try for see and for know.
Ok... but.. I'm talking about a direct healing spell. You know.. "Heal Other" "Heal Self" Cast and it restores x hp - ?? That kind of thing. - will we ever see it??
Last edited by Darkfyre on Sep 19, 2014, 9:14:01 AM
a holy bolt spell from D2 would be cool, damages undead but heals players!
Hopefully never.

GGG would have to balance content around the existence of dedicated healers, making them mandatory for at least some of the top end content. Dedicated healers in MMOs have always been a bottleneck. "LFM1 only Healz!" is not really what this game needs.
Being a HUGE fan of healers in games in general, I'm shocked I haven't paid any thought to this.

Well worth a thorough discussion.

I'm at work so time-limited but the one thing that comes to mind is making sure that anything like this would require intense balance (would it be the best idea for an ever evolving ARPG?) and would need to make sure the general feel of the game is not heading towards an MMORPG-style chess game.

PS. Flasks? :p
Just for try for see and for know.

She corpse exploded the corpse of the boss...
No, we probably won't ever see that here.

1. It doesn't really fit this style of game.
2. I'm pretty sure GGG has specifically said they're trying to keep away from the "holy trinity" of tank, healer, dps.
3. Most good builds can already survive just about anything short of getting one-shotted or at least killed faster than you can react to heal them anyway. If they added healing, it would push the game even more towards relying on one-shotting people to have any difficulty at all.
This aint WoW where you have 4 healers in the back and 1 tank and 1 dps machine.
Mivo wrote:
Hopefully never.

GGG would have to balance content around the existence of dedicated healers, making them mandatory for at least some of the top end content. Dedicated healers in MMOs have always been a bottleneck. "LFM1 only Healz!" is not really what this game needs.

Makes no sense. Balance content? You can have a group with a 6x Curse guy, also one with 10 auras, and everyone could use Purity Auras together with Generosity. Group play is allrdy sooo faaar away from beeing balanced so.. yea please add a heal spell.
I couldn't see a heal other skill ever getting any mileage, it would be a hassle just like holy bolt was.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh

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