Permastunned in Piety fight

Couldn't move in the final piety fight.. had to alt-f4 out. I was standing in the very center of the room trying to deal w/ the adds. Primarily using Heavy Strike, but I also have Leap Slam and Sweep set.

Came back to my portal being gone, but I was still in HC.

Used the WP back to Lunaris 2 and cleared to Lunaris 3. Started running through Lunaris 3 (still cleared) only to be kicked for performing too many actions.

Came back in and ran it again, piety fight hadn't reset.. killed her.. moved on.

This is the first time I've experienced the "can't move" bug and it was after 0.10.0f.

This was around 3-3:30 PST, iirc, maybe a bit prior.
Last edited by Durentis on Feb 5, 2013, 7:04:45 PM
It has to do with a de-sync issue with some skills, if you are mid animation for casting a skill and the mob teleports or you both get stuned at the same time or somthing simular it causes your character to lock up and the only thing you can do is alt f4 out.
Now that I think about it.. perhaps this is what that rolled back stun patch was meant to address? Not sure.

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