Main weapon disappeared in game.

Checking the website, it looks as though you picked the item up onto the cursor before logging off, and it's still there. When you log in, it should still be on your cursor ready to be put back down in your inventory.
Odd. I can definitely see it on your character's page when I view it - It has leap slam and enduring cry socketed in it, hovering in the upper left rather than in a slot, which is usually where items are shown if you have them on the cursor.
At least this indicates the item still exists, as it's still showing all it's data to me. I'll ask around and see if anyone can help sort this out.

EDIT: Mark2 informs me that items left in a crafting bench also display like that - the item might have been left in one of those?
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Sep 4, 2014, 11:53:55 PM

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