Avatar of Fire Reave/Nycta's Lantern Thoughts

Hey guys, I'm thinking about doing a crit Avatar of Fire build using Reave and Nycta's Lantern. It's going to be dual wield with Nycta's in the offhand and a dagger in the mainhand.

Why Nycta in the offhand? As far as I can see it for my build, it pretty much gives me a 6l with added fire, cold to fire, and fire penetration. Not only that, since I am technically dual wielding although reave can't be used with clubs (but can with my mainhand dagger), I am still getting the 15% more attack speed and block chance from dual wielding. On top of that, Nycta's being a sceptre gives me 20% elemental damage from it's implicit mod.

Using the cold to fire support from Nycta's with a Hrimsorrow gauntlet and Avatar of Fire, 75% of my physical damage would be converted to fire, and I could benefit from Added Cold damage and Hatred 100% (although I won't be using added cold for too long).

Does all of this stuff sound right before I go out and make this build?
My first thought is can you make AoF worth it. I theory'd a pair of AoF Reave builds that had gained virtually nothing from AoF.

Nycta's is an interesting twist to it, but once those level 10 gems start to get overlevelled I think you'd have better luck with Carcass Jack and a shield. I wil play around with this on my reaver though.

Here's what I'm working with:

I'm not specced into fire or AoF, but I do have some ele. Dagger and board put me at 1600 dps multistriked, Nycta's 1200 multi'd or 1000 MPD'd, but the clear speed was only a little slower because ignites and fire pen. Biggest problem for me is I'm pretty squishy without the shield so I can't run Reave-MPD-Multi for long off of Ledge.

It looks decent enough to at least level in though. Without much passive investment it was doing alright, and if you have a tree that can use AoF well it could beat out a random 5l, but my guess is a 5l carcass and shield will do you far more good.

Edit: Ended up trying AoF for a bit and had to spec out because it was pretty bad even on Ledge. Again, if you have a build that takes advantage of AoF way more than mine does (only about ~60% ele) you can get some awesome burns to make up for the loss of dps, but my build can't sustain that.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
Last edited by SilentOppressor on Feb 2, 2014, 3:33:12 PM

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