Flask Effect, Inner Force, and Buff Effect passive nodes questions.

What exactly does the Flask Effect passive node do? There are three of them to the right of Blast Radius that have "10% increased effect of Flasks". Does it increase the amount of time that a flask is active, and, if so, does it affect Life/Mana flasks by increasing the amount of time it takes for its Life/Mana restoration to finish its full effect? I'd like to keep the time it takes for a flask to recover Life/Mana to a minimum, but I also want my Granite and Jade Flask's to last longer, so I need to know the exact effect of these three passive nodes.

Also, do Inner Force and Buff Effect (increase buff effects on you) increase the bonuses you get from certain flasks during their effect? If so, which bonuses are affected? Does it affect prefix/suffix bonus effects on Life/Mana flasks, or does it only affect Granite, Jade, Diamond, etc. flask's effects?
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JoelDavidBell wrote:
What exactly does the Flask Effect passive node do? There are three of them to the right of Blast Radius that have "10% increased effect of Flasks".
They increase the effect of a flask, not it's duration. When you use a flask, you get one or more timed flask effects, that do things to your character over time, be it adding armour (granite flask) or life/mana recovery, or something else. Increasing the effect of these means that all the numbers are larger - they have more effect on your character.

JoelDavidBell wrote:
Also, do Inner Force and Buff Effect (increase buff effects on you) increase the bonuses you get from certain flasks during their effect?
No. Inner Force and the associated passives affect buffs, which have the green icon border so they're easy to identify. Flask effects are separate. The flask effect nodes work on bonuses from flasks in exactly the same way that the buff effect ones work on buffs - the two groups are separate.
Thank you very much!! Everything is clear now! :D))
How does this affect Diamond Flasks?
Diamond flask grants an effect you either have or you don't. Increased flask effect cannot change it.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
i have done some testing
it also boosts all "x% increased ... during flask effect" flask mods. like armor, evasion, movement, resistance etc
so QuickSilver flask with 67(=40+27)% inc movement speed is boosted to 87% movement speed
IGN: StarSin / StarBlow / StarTwisteR / Ripping
Usual on-line time: 21:00 - 1:00 GMT+1
my current time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=591
Flask effect : It's pretty strong with fire/cold/lightning resist flask : 10% max res => 13% max res.

Mark_GGG wrote:
JoelDavidBell wrote:
What exactly does the Flask Effect passive node do? There are three of them to the right of Blast Radius that have "10% increased effect of Flasks".
They increase the effect of a flask, not it's duration. When you use a flask, you get one or more timed flask effects, that do things to your character over time, be it adding armour (granite flask) or life/mana recovery, or something else. Increasing the effect of these means that all the numbers are larger - they have more effect on your character.

JoelDavidBell wrote:
Also, do Inner Force and Buff Effect (increase buff effects on you) increase the bonuses you get from certain flasks during their effect?
No. Inner Force and the associated passives affect buffs, which have the green icon border so they're easy to identify. Flask effects are separate. The flask effect nodes work on bonuses from flasks in exactly the same way that the buff effect ones work on buffs - the two groups are separate.

Hey, hi Mark!
Why theres no % increased duration of Flasks? And why so low (10%) from inc effect node?
Is there any plan to add duration flasks and buff flask node that alrdy in skill tree?

I hope so.
30% Increased Effect is already plenty powerful.

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