Forums After Open Beta

So there are some very good posts stickied both in the Beta forum and the General Forum with regards to various information that will be relevant after the game is launched into Open Beta. What are GGG's plans for the forums once we go into Open Beta and what do they plan to do with the important stickies such as the Mechanics Thread, Unique Compendium, Tips/FAQ in Beta and the FAQ in General, etc..

Are the forum subsections going to get an overhaul? If so is GGG planning on keeping the current stickied posts that are relevant and have good information and repost them?

I know many people worked hard on their various posts that obtained the coveted sticky and do not want to see the work be wasted as the information will still be viable once we go into Open Beta, I myself feel this way about the FAQ in General which also had some help from Charan among others for it's content.
FAQ made through many hours of enduring global chat in Normal

I'm sure the relevant information will be preserved.
First I should say that I obviously have no idea what they intend on doing.

I have read through all of the stickied threads. Every single page. There is a lot of misinformation spread throughout those threads. Some of this is due to changes in the game. For that reason alone I would archive this whole thing and make a new *fresh* forum.

There is another reason why I would prefer a *new* forum for open beta. Anyone new to the game at that point would not have the chance to discover the game on their own. Any questions a newbie would have would be answered with *read the FAQ* or *do a forum search*. The game would be less shiny and new. It would be old and figured out, and there would be no place for the newer player to *discover* something clever. Figuring out a game when everyone else is doing the same is a huge rush (for me at least). I believe you preserve a greater sense of community by starting over at that point.

There is some stuff that really should be in an FAQ. I would suggest rewriting the whole darn thing with information that is accurate as of 10.0 (or whatever open beta is numbered). It wouldn't be hard to do really. Mostly a cut and paste job. However, lose all the comments so it isn't so dang clunky. Maybe even disallow comments on such threads. That way you can preserve the truth that is in the FAQ without misinformation being in the body of thread.

If you do not believe that misinformation is spread in part due to the confusing conglomeration these threads have become, I suggest you go to Merciless chat and ask about exp penalties. Ask about currency penalties. Now some people just say whatever they want to, but you will have several people claiming to have read through the *mechanics* thread and they will likely ALL give you a different answer. I have literally seen this particular debate too many times to count.

Anywho.....archive this stuff, much of it just doesn't apply or doesn't do the game justice. =)
Just because someone cliams to have read the thread with the info in it and they then give false information doesn't put the blame on the thread if the thread is correct. The blame lies solely with the person giving false information. Misinformation has been happening since before many of these threads were even written and they were written to combat the flow of misinformation. People will either read them or they won't and I see no reason why to simply archive the massive amount of useful and relevant information contained within many of these posts that are stickied. However if the information is out of date it falls to the author to change it and to the community to inform the author that said information is indeed wrong.
FAQ made through many hours of enduring global chat in Normal

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