GIANT stealth nerf to frost wall

What's up with this?

Frost wall was a good skill, an alternative to summons for dealing with ranged and getting swarmed.

Now it's not only shrunk in size significantly so it's near impossible to block enemies off while regening shield, it also no longer blocks projectiles, making it one of the most useless skills in the game.

Nobody in their right mind will use this skill now. If it was too powerful, why not just give it life and have it destroyed by taking enough damage?
I will talk to the team and see if this was intentional. More to come.
Pwntheon wrote:
Now it's not only shrunk in size significantly so it's near impossible to block enemies off while regening shield, it also no longer blocks projectiles

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Warhammer 40k Inquisitor: where shotgunning is not only not nerfed, it is deeply encouraged.

Dogma > Souls, but they're masterworks all. You can't go wrong.

I was right about PoE2 needing to be a separate, new game. It was really obvious.

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