Critical Strike Mechanics

First and foremost I've read the game mechanics thread. I also did look for threads regarding Critical Strike Mechanics and couldn't find the answers. So here goes another one about critical strike mechanics.

My weapon has 9,36% chance for crit.

Along with my passive skills that gives me a total of 15% Main Hand Critical Strike Chance.

I use 6 power charges, that gives me additional 28,08%.

That's a total of 43,08%.

Now comes the tricky part.

I use the Increased Critical Strikes support gem, that's a 101% increased chance on 16 lvl gem of basic 0 quality.

I also use the Critical Weakness curse, which is additional 9% chance to receive a critical strike on 16 lvl gem of basic 0 quality.

The question is: what is my final critical strike chance?

I assume that the curse gives me 43,08% + 9% = 52,08% chance. But before that goes the gem of 101% increased chance. That 101% applies to the base weapon stat of 9,36%, after passives stat of 15%, or final stat of 43,08%? Which one?
The gem applies to the base critical strike chance, in this case your weapon.

You get a total of 9.45% critical strike chance out of the gem.

edit: There is no multiplication involved, I assume you got 60% increased critical from your passives, meaning that with
-6 power charges (300%)
-the gem (101%)
-passives (60%)
you would get an increase of 461% in critical strike chance
Last edited by renatobaal on Jul 7, 2012, 11:35:22 AM
yeah all increases except the curse is linear and adds together before anything happens.
however don't know if the curse applies before or after the math of passives.

if your weapon has 9.36% for base and that +461%, then the crit chance would be 52.51%.
suppose add the curse in and it'll be 61.51%. would be much higher if curse happened first but doubt it considering how easily it is to boost crit.
Thanks, that about summarizes it all.

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