Elemental Hit Wander???

ok so i want to make a elemental hit wander, using elemental equlibrium.

this is my build


and here is the summary


so potentially, using elemental hit, i hit a monster and the roll is a cold damage hit, wich meens due to elemental equlibrium cold gets +25% resistance untill cancelled out by another hit, so on the following hit say i hit with fire it will have -50% resists due to the previous hit being a cold hit (cause of elemental eqilibrium) and then the next hit on that monster will have +25% to fire and then -50% to cold and lightning.

just hope someone can sum this up for me, its quite confusing what im trying to do, but i just hope somebody can clarify for myself.

EE works great with Ele Hit. Keep in mind for a build like this I assume you will be running wrath and anger which means you will hit for all elements. I believe EE will trigger against the hardest hitting element which will likely be whatever triggers on ele hit.

Keep in mind though how the resistances work. Say a mob has 25% resist all. That 25% Increase against one element is going to reduce damage by a third. The -50% resist to other elementals grants 66% increase in damage. This skews favorably for lower resists but not very well with enemies with high resists.

Thus, if your main hitter does more than double your other damages, then EE is now hurting your dps. There is your math lesson for the day. Two hits in a row from ele hit from the same element and EE is completely gimping your second hit.

Statistically, it's just not worth it imo.
TadaceAce wrote:
I believe EE will trigger against the hardest hitting element which will likely be whatever triggers on ele hit.


so potentially, using elemental hit, i hit a monster and the roll is a cold damage hit, wich meens due to elemental equlibrium cold gets +25% resistance untill cancelled out by another hit, so on the following hit say i hit with fire it will have -50% resists due to the previous hit being a cold hit (cause of elemental eqilibrium) and then the next hit on that monster will have +25% to fire and then -50% to cold and lightning.

This isn't how EE works. If you do damage with cold, they become resistant to fire and lightning, but if you do fire right after, they're +25% fire and +25% cold and still only -50% lightning.

Consistently doing damage with all elements just means enemies will have +25% resistance to all elements.
Last edited by fLankor on Apr 27, 2013, 7:34:10 PM

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