T17 Maps are awful

I am done with this league bye my only feedback is t17 are the worst thing that has ever happened to this game
~ Seph
Last bumped on Apr 24, 2024, 4:25:14 PM
It's the "forced mods" which are completely unfun. THe map itselves i would say it's so dark like usual and i'm tired and dark shit to be honest.
I would like to elaborate on this issue, t17s are the worst thing that has ever happened to this game.

1. It has disabled build diversity, path of exile thrived on a various amount of fun and serious builds that could achieve t16s. How many can confidently clear a t17? not many... none of the builds our group has tried have even come close to clearing one.
We had to recruit a random off trade just to help unlock the 5th map slot and even that person struggled. (Thank you random person)

2. This has pushed the players who know how to gear, playing the best builds to clearing t17s and getting better loot, whilst the rest of us who can't complete a t17 fumble around with our poor currency.
Essentially made the rich richer and poor poorer.

3. Prior to t17s it was a levelish playing field, with only those farming uber bosses acquiring the higher end loot. Everyone else farming t16s and league content. But nowadays, for some of us, it feels like farm t17 or stop playing.
Jixa87 wrote:
I would like to elaborate on this issue, t17s are the worst thing that has ever happened to this game.

3. Prior to t17s it was a levelish playing field, with only those farming uber bosses acquiring the higher end loot. Everyone else farming t16s and league content. But nowadays, for some of us, it feels like farm t17 or stop playing.

Agree with all of your points, but this last one hits home the hardest. As someone who jumps build to build every league to keep it fresh, all T17s have done has made meta chasing far more important. When I dropped double the amount of raw currency from the half-cleared T17 I did compare to a juiced 8 mod T16, I just noped out of the league. Run like a Sanctum or two a day and just not feeling making yet another build to do T17s with when I already have 3 and none of them can do T17s.
This is yet another case of FOMO... you either have a build that can tackle these with zero issue or you're pretty much relegated to lesser content.
It is a sad day indeed.
shardklaw wrote:
This is yet another case of FOMO... you either have a build that can tackle these with zero issue or you're pretty much relegated to lesser content.

Why should I relegate to lesser content just because I love to use Heavy Strike?

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