Blight Bugs / Problems - 1270137693

ID: 1270137693

Some enemies behaviour is wrong.
Some Bosses, most likely Sporeplume, do often stay after the pump gets destroyed and are sometimes invulnerable making picking up the pity loot impossible.

Another problem, not sure if monster mods or bug:
way too many monsters are now ignoring seismic and chill towers completely.
I am not talking about the anti stun or no slow map mods.
We had for a few leagues a few single rares that inherently have the "can not be slowed below base value" (which I find very wrong in blight) but on this map for example a whole lane just walked through everything, ignoring everything.

Also there was a rare that plainly was immortal.
nothing damaged it.

Also not quite sure if bug or not:
Chests drop DRASTICALLY less loot.
Most noticable change: Diviner Boxes only drop one single Stacked Deck (100%) and nothing else, not even bad cards.

My next map was just deleted. Connection to realm lost -> portals gone

Edit 2: I finally found out what the problem is.

The Blight maps now spawn a plethora of Stun, Freeze, Chill, Slow immune mobs and bosses. Making your complete towersetup obsolete.
And as far as I have seen these come always out of either chill- or physical immune portals.

So they are killing our only actual defense. Those mobs run through everything.
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Last edited by AkumaNoTsubasa on Apr 14, 2024, 7:54:02 AM
Last bumped on Apr 19, 2024, 6:39:56 AM
Updated the first post with my newest finding.

It's not a "bug" per sé it's just that they spam us now with massive waves of absolute immune to any kind of slow/stop mobs incl. bosses. These just straight up walk through everything.

Unless you can clear Blight Ravaged maps without a tower you can't play it.
I lose about 80% of all my Blight Ravaged maps because of this.
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Still happening.
Impossible to play blight ravaged without a build that doesn't need towers.
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Blighted monsters also stop giving experience when killed by towers after the timer runs out or soon after it runs out. They will still give experience if the player kills them but not the towers. Perhaps this is known/update, however, it feels wrong, and I don't remember it being this way before.
This is STILL a problem.
Please do NOT ignore blight. It's the most fun content for some poeple.
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