The Misery Gauntlet has now concluded! Congratulations to Ben for taking first place in an incredible show of skill and determination. Check out some of the highlights from the event below.

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Grinding Gear Games
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

jungroan = xddchatter
*clap clap.

the playlifee guy is good! why do I feel like I know the name well? did he design a unique?
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
Ben its no doubt the BEST POE player of all times. Great Gamer.

Congratulations Mr. Ben really amazing and impressive.
Amazing play by Ben.

I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Last edited by xjjanie on Feb 12, 2024, 5:01:32 PM
Ben is too good :o
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
iParadoxG wrote:
the playlifee guy is good! why do I feel like I know the name well? did he design a unique?

He won the Crucible Ruthless Boss Kill event
whypick1 wrote:
iParadoxG wrote:
the playlifee guy is good! why do I feel like I know the name well? did he design a unique?

He won the Crucible Ruthless Boss Kill event

i see, thank you. great event overall with a predictable win.
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024

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