Tomorrow, Game Director Jonathan Rogers and Game Designer Rory Rackham will join ZiggyD, RaizQT and Nugiyen in an interview to discuss all of the burning questions about Path of Exile 2!

Join us live on ZiggyD’s Twitch Channel, the show will start on January 9th at 1PM PST, or Jan 09, 2024 4:00 PM (EST) in your local time.

Don’t worry if you’re unable to make it, Jonathan and the Community Team are closely monitoring the Path of Exile 2 Subreddit, so you can post your questions there for us to see.

We’ve already sat down with Kripparrian and the Tavern Talk Podcast, you can check them out here and here if you’ve missed them.

We hope to see you there!
Posted by 
Grinding Gear Games
PoE enjoyer since 2011
(I don't use the forums/main subreddit)
Is Riaz a new streamer ? Hyped for this.
Last edited by ronaldintzi on Jan 8, 2024, 3:38:12 PM
Never heard of RiazQT but I hope they dont let their newbiness get to them :^)
Love all these interviews you guys have been doing! Thank you so much for being so gracious with your time!
Give a unique balance to SSF like they did for Ruthless and remove the option to migrate.
It’s the POE2 world tour!
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
PoE2 looks much better graphically than PoE1. Even the basic gear is very detailed.
I wonder if the MTX that will be transferred will get some revamp, otherwise I think everything will look like rubbish with outdated textures, shadows and modeling.
Buissonix wrote:
Give a unique balance to SSF like they did for Ruthless and remove the option to migrate.

This please.

I want to play a game mode with a reasonable chance to find items by myself.

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