Different self-hits have set crit rolls of 0 or 10000(?) instead of rolling normally

Self hits can be given crit chance from sources like (reflected) Brittle, Assassin's Mark, or legacy body armour from Scourge league. This has different interactions with different sources of self-damage, for no observable reason.

Never crits, not even with 100% crit chance against you:

- Eye of Innocence
- Scold's Bridle
- Heartbound Loop
- Doedre's Elixir

Always crits as long as crit chance is >0%:

- Forbidden Rite
- Replica Tulfall
- Echoes of Creation
- Gluttony
- Storm Secret

Rolls crit normally:
- Boneshatter
- Trauma Support

This was observed through various methods (shocks from Storm Secret, flask charges from Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while affected by Precision, debuffs from You gain 3 Grasping Vines when you take a Critical Strike.)

Video examples: Forbidden Rite, Storm Secret.
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2023, 7:54:27 AM

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