3.22.1 Vixen's Entrapment + Doom Blast still bugged for Ranger and/or Pathfinder

Using this gear on a Pathfinder with no ascendancy points allocated, Doom Blast does not trigger on a single cast of Temporal Chains. Using the same gear, it DOES trigger on the first cast on an unascended Witch.

There are more reports of this issue here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3411563/page/1

I am making this post because this issue is currently not noted in either the known issues thread or the live updates thread and I suspect previous reports may have been disregarded as being outdated.
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2023, 10:52:17 AM
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This is not a bug and is not new.

Different character models have their own entirely separate animations. The Ranger's AoE spell animations happen to generally have the contact point (the point during the cast time when a spell "goes off") later in the animation compared to the Witch (roughly 56% through the animation compared to 34%).

This makes very little difference in general, but in cases of very specific timing such as this, the difference will matter - the Ranger would need more cast speed for their cast curse to be applied before the cascade from the triggered one, compared to a Witch.
Thank you for clarifying Mark!
Mark_GGG wrote:
This is not a bug and is not new.

Different character models have their own entirely separate animations. The Ranger's AoE spell animations happen to generally have the contact point (the point during the cast time when a spell "goes off") later in the animation compared to the Witch (roughly 56% through the animation compared to 34%).

This makes very little difference in general, but in cases of very specific timing such as this, the difference will matter - the Ranger would need more cast speed for their cast curse to be applied before the cascade from the triggered one, compared to a Witch.

Hi Mark,

Does this animation timing affect cyclone? I would consider this an important min/max metric if character models can affect things such as Cast on Crit trigger rates for example.

Last edited by XeoTech on Sep 7, 2023, 8:28:05 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:
This is not a bug and is not new.

Different character models have their own entirely separate animations. The Ranger's AoE spell animations happen to generally have the contact point (the point during the cast time when a spell "goes off") later in the animation compared to the Witch (roughly 56% through the animation compared to 34%).

This makes very little difference in general, but in cases of very specific timing such as this, the difference will matter - the Ranger would need more cast speed for their cast curse to be applied before the cascade from the triggered one, compared to a Witch.

Dude, I've felt like this interaction was bugged for like a month. I didn't understand why it worked on my inquis but not my pf. I never considered that pf was just slower, and now I feel dumb. Thanks for dropping some knowledge, I've been putting your post on the last few Vixens threads because there's a bunch of us that don't seem to understand this!

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