Metal /// casual guild for KALGUUR + STANDARD /// chill and kill

Welcome to METAL

All players welcome, also newbies.

Where we play: Actually mostly Kalguur and some few play Standard-league.

About us: We’re a casual guild. There are no duties which have to be fulfilled, but we assume a friendly behaviour.
Most of the members are over 25+ years old but we welcome anybody who follows our rules. We help each others, have fun while playing the game which we all like while chilling and listening music or chatting ingame or on discord. We welcome both experienced and unexperienced players as well.

About activity: We don't do guild runs often. At leaguestart lots of members are online, after 1-2 months its reduced by half. We are inviting new members all the time to compensate for quitting guildies.

- no voicechat needed, but discord is ready with lots of users
- casual players, most are 25+ years old
- newbies are welcome
- there are experienced players in guild, some since open beta
- multiple stash-tabs available, almost all that are possible - newbies don't have access to all tabs for safety
- we are helpful with bosses, maps and items
- pinnacle-boss help (free of course) and other help if needed
- we don't give newbies lots of free stuff - we let them make their own experiences
- we do rarely guild runs
- if u wanna team up, u have to act by yourself and find guildies for that
- players all over the world, a bit more EU, all are welcome if friendly and helpful
- PC users
- nearly all guildies are playing the league in "normal softcore", not hardcore, ruthless or SSF (some do sometimes)
- guildlanguage is english
- rules are the common guild rules and poe-rules
- Guild-tag: Metal-"M", metal music roxx

Post here in the thread or
pm me in forum or ingame if you like to join:


stay sane, exiles
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt on Jul 22, 2024, 1:37:25 PM
Last bumped on Jul 17, 2024, 2:08:01 PM
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary
Guild "Metal" /// league + standard /// NO voice-chat necessary

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