A lot of Bugs/Crashes with Lootfilter PS5

I kinda enjoy the game changes so far as I dodge the problematic trade changes by playing SSF. So far i came across several bugs and problems which i will list here :

- Extreme lag spikes which end in a freeze and speed up gameplay which will probably kill 99% of chatacters or end up in a disconnect (also happening in hideout in the stash tabs)

- Lootfilter doesn't stay at the start of the game and switching it always results in a crash

- Expedition encounters disables Lootfilter to the state that nothing (even Boxes) shows up whitout pressing R3

I use this also as an opportunity to say that i like the direction, that the game feels again like it was before harvest. I think that a lot of players could kill most bosses by simply outdmg it with the crazy Gear and now that this is much more difficult to achieve struggle with theses mechanics which feel a bit overtuned for most. I feel that when the direction of more mechanical Gameplay instead of simply delete bosses is the result you wanna achieve, we need more bosses that have mechanics that motivate to dodge instead of giving a 2% chance like the Searing exarch balls feel. I love the Darksouls series not because it is difficult but because it is possible to kill bosses with LVL 1 by simply never get hit and POE could profit from a more visible slower attacking boss pattern in my view.

In the end I just wanna say that I look forward to your upcoming solutions and hope that it feels like you got a clear path to were you want YOUR GAME to be. I feel like you switch arround your goal from league to league so it makes it a bit difficult to keep motivated to be that invested in your game. If you stick to your plan, you'll be happy at least where at the moment it feels like most people aren't very happy with the state of the game.
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2022, 8:42:09 PM
Hi, thanks for your reports.
- Extreme lag spikes which end in a freeze and speed up gameplay which will probably kill 99% of chatacters or end up in a disconnect (also happening in hideout in the stash tabs)
This sounds like a connection issue and could be any number of things, I would suggest try switching to a wired connection if you are not already and pick the closest gateway to your location. If the issue persists then it could be an issue with your internet service provider.

- Lootfilter doesn't stay at the start of the game and switching it always results in a crash
We are working on a fix for this.

- Expedition encounters disables Lootfilter to the state that nothing (even Boxes) shows up whitout pressing R3
This is odd, are you pressing R2+Down before the L2 is held perhaps? This is the hide loot/labels bind so I could see it interfering with the league binds if not timed perfectly.

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