Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra are now available!

The Private Leagues for the Lake of Kalandra expansion launch are now available! Those of you who are planning to play in a Private Kalandra League at launch are now able to create them beforehand. Click here to set up your Private League (don't forget to double check the start time of your league upon creating)! Please note that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on August 19th (PDT).
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Grinding Gear Games
Last edited by gokayyil on Aug 16, 2022, 9:35:08 PM
Reminder to join ZiggyD's private league, for free: HC Trade.
Last edited by Chima on Aug 16, 2022, 10:06:48 PM

Reminder to join ZiggyD's private league, for free: HC Trade.

how do I do that?
I like cheese
Hoping that one day we will be able to create and have pre-named characters ready to play for league starts :)
100% Ethical, most of the time.
Last edited by Vaydra on Aug 17, 2022, 4:55:32 AM
GGG have some mercy! ingame AUCTION!!!! plz
Whats a private league do exactly? Seperate challenges and you dont participate in the new league challenges? I know about the guantlet but what does this do?
Arkweave wrote:
Whats a private league do exactly? Seperate challenges and you dont participate in the new league challenges? I know about the guantlet but what does this do?

You can view Private League as Co-op.
People also refer to it as "Group Found" in comparison to "Solo-Self Found".

When you create a Private League it comes with 10 player spots.
You can then invite your friends via a link.

Upon creation you can also choose between many extra mods to make your League more difficult than the normal game (that is what the Gauntlet started as).

You play with the league mechanic same way you would any other challenge league, and you can also choose if it should be HC or SC.

Private Leagues exists outside the public infrastructure, so can only trade/party with people in the league. Similarly Private Leagues aren't covered by services such as PoE-Ninja, so you won't be able to find and compare your character against others on their website.

Hope this helps :)

Edit: I forgot to mention, that in addition to coming with 10 player slots, it also comes with a preset duration of 10 days. You can extend that duration and/or add players slots for points. The cost for both those services (and the private league itself) is very cheap, relative to spending it on MTX.

Last edited by FalkenRaiding on Aug 17, 2022, 9:44:33 AM

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