unique item 'buffs'

How is this a buff? the only good stat on those gloves was +100str for str stacking. Who would want knockback on a MELEE build? Way to butcher a good item.

'The Meginord's Vise Unique Gloves no longer have 10% increased Global Physical Damage, or Regenerate 2% of Life per second with at least 400 Strength. Instead, it now has 100% increased Knockback Distance, Melee Hits with Strike Skills Always Knockback, and Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets. It also now has +50 to Strength (previously +100).'

How is this a buff? Who needs enduring cry on a ring? 4 life per attacked enemy was actually pretty nice.

'The Kaom's Sign Unique Ring no longer grants +2-4 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks. Instead, it now grants Level 10 Enduring Cry.'

How is this a buff for a leveling item? It was a good dps boost before.

'The Deidbell Unique Helmet no longer has 20% increased Melee Damage, or Adds 10 to 20 Physical Damage to Attacks. Instead, it now causes Skills which Exert an Attack to have a 20-30% chance to not count that Attack.'

How is this a buff? Damage pretty much unchanged but with less att speed/accuracy and no pulverize?

'The Marohi Erqi Unique Mace no longer has Adds 30 to 40 to Physical Damage, 10% reduced Movement Speed, or Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 15 Pulverise. It now has 25% reduced Attack Speed (previously 10%), -500 to Accuracy Rating (previously -100), and 400-500% increased Physical Damage (previously 200-230%).'

Some preeeeety weird 'buffs' and most of them for melee once again. GG GGG
Last edited by lolerman on Aug 12, 2022, 11:18:19 AM
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2022, 11:15:32 AM

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