Searing Bond

Progammer wrote:
- Damage is burning damage. Will not stack with Fire Trap, Righteous Fire (highest instance take effect). Do stack with Ignite damage (elemental effects).
It stakes with all those things. Ignite, RF, ground fire and now Searing Bond are all separate sources of burning damage, and all stack. Ignite, RF and ground fire do not stack with themselves (only the highest of each takes effect at a time), but do with each other.

Searing bond beams stack.
trenan wrote:
I still cannot take this as accurate
It is.
trenan wrote:
since Searing Bond operates differently than an actual DoT.
No, it doesn't
trenan wrote:
Searing Bond is not a DoT, it is Burn Damage.
Burning damage by definition in PoE is damage over time (DoT).
DoT cannot currently be affected by any modifiers to "damage". Only increased burning damage - which is implicitly applying only to DoT damage because that's what burning is - can apply to any damage over time effect in the current system. Other restrictions, such as "elemental" or "totem" make no difference to that - they apply to damage, which is on-hit, and not to DoT.

The refactor of DoT to allow it to benefit from regular damage modifiers will likely be in 1.0.2
echephron wrote:
Searing Bond Does not get support from Increased Burning Damage gem!!! The internet has lied to me!
It does.

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