Aurabots not nerfed enough

Dear ggg,

I humbly request that you further nerf aurabots because I'm worried about the mental health of those players who hate this build only to witness that it will survive in 3.16

Just make us a walking saffell's frame shield only by:

>deleting/disabling the aura clusters
>removing the weapon mod "auras from your skills grant 2-4 increased damage to you and your allies.

Thank you.
Last bumped on Oct 17, 2021, 3:54:43 AM
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Aura clusters only spawn in "small" variants now, meaning you can't chain medium/large like you used to. The small passive nodes were changed from aura effect to reservation efficiency. And they replaced all of the increased aura effect notables (Pure/Stalwart/Vengeful/Precise/Summer/Winter/Grounded Commander and First Among Equals) with new nodes.

They want support characters to exist and for people to have things to invest into auras, removing them wasn't the point, or they wouldn't have bothered to add link skills.

If it's such a drain on mental health, play a different build, supports aren't necessary for any content.
jerot wrote:
Aura clusters only spawn in "small" variants now, meaning you can't chain medium/large like you used to. The small passive nodes were changed from aura effect to reservation efficiency. And they replaced all of the increased aura effect notables (Pure/Stalwart/Vengeful/Precise/Summer/Winter/Grounded Commander and First Among Equals) with new nodes.

They want support characters to exist and for people to have things to invest into auras, removing them wasn't the point, or they wouldn't have bothered to add link skills.

If it's such a drain on mental health, play a different build, supports aren't necessary for any content.

I only play in standard and public parties. If there's no public party active, I log out and play other games instead of playing other builds.

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