How to cancel knock back?

Is there a way to cancel your own knock back? The only source of my knock back (that I can tell) is the passive "Blunt Trauma". It's a really good passive for me and I don't want to refund it. But the knock back portion of it is really annoying. I play a freezing glacial hammer build. And so in boss/ mini boss fights I usually perma-freeze the enemy. But they keep getting knocked back and its annoying chasing after them to keep hitting them.
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2021, 4:39:31 AM
The only ones i know of are "Empire's Grasp" gloves to reverse the Knockback direction, and the "Callinellus Malleus" mace which cannot Knockback.
Thanks, TN_Sylar! Sadly, I have to use a staff, and the gloves don't look good enough (although it is a lot of armour). Appreciate the answer, though!

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