Instance crash resulted in glitched Alva state (#931,225,485)

(Bug Report #931,225,485) Posting because I'm not sure that a standard automatic crash report would include all this data.

Context: I was running maps with an Alva master mission selected. Gameplay proceeded normally until near the tail end of the third & final Incursion encounter (an architect had already been killed, and a Stone of Passage placed) upon attempting to clear one of the packs of stragglers, a full CTD/"stopped responding" crash occured.

Upon re-entry to the game & map, I was greeted with the standard "mission failed" banner and sound effect (seen in first image) even though there is no logical situation where this should be possible. (i.e, it's impossible to "fail" an Alva mission) Do note that in the upper-right corner of all 3 screencaps, it states the mission status as "Complete the temporal incursions (3/3)"

I went over to Alva at the third Incursion location, and found her standing there, with none of the items from the encounter having dropped. Speaking to her, she acted normally as if it was a freshly-completed encounter, except she cited the wrong room: I had never had an encounter in the "Tempest Generator" room at all this cycle; this map's 3 encounters were, in order, Explosives Room->Shrine of Unmaking, Barracks->Catalyst of Corruption, and Hall of Locks->Breach Containment Chamber. (the Hall of Locks encounter was the one that experienced a crash) This is what is displayed in the second image.

Please note that the "4 Incursions remaining," is not anomalous: That number was at 7 when the map was begun, so this number was correctly decremented by each and every encounter. (including the one that crashed)

Lastly, the third image does show both the bug report number, as well as demonstrating that absolutely no items dropped from the encounter. (again, notice the glitched "(3/3)" in the upper right corner)

I must say, this has been perhaps the weirdest crash I've experienced across my >10k hours in this game.

Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2021, 10:42:35 AM
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