Trialmaster tether conditional is bugged

The tether conditional requires you to defeat the Trialmaster while affected by the tether and without being hit by the Heart. As you can see in the video, at the time of killing the Trialmaster, I was tethered, and at no point in the fight did I get near the Heart or break a tether prior to the killing blow, nor did I get an alert that I failed the conditional. This is the second or third time I've completed what the challenge indicates should be done, and one of my guildies has done the same.

The current operating theory is that there are hidden failure triggers throughout the fight that count as getting hit by the heart without actually notifying you of the failure. At this point, I'm thinking that you can't be hit by any of the Trialmaster's abilities at all, though Ultimatum mods that do damage should be fine. If you're hunting this challenge, good luck, since I have no idea what causes you to fail it.

As a side note, I seem to be within the margin of error for a 2% spawn rate, and it seems that getting a Trialmaster fight once you hit Wave 9 is about a 1/3 chance. Sorry if the video cuts out suddenly, but I had a bit of an outburst after not getting the conditional.

EDIT/UPDATE: In case a GGG QA tester decides to look at this at some point, here is another video with a much quicker kill that has the same problem:
Last edited by RoflsALot on May 7, 2021, 9:52:15 PM
Last bumped on May 14, 2021, 9:31:56 AM
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Praise Bisco the Doge <3
bump, same issues here
It seems that you have to be on maximum range from heart (but without breaking the chain) to get the challenge. Can't be too close to heart.

It seems that you have to be on maximum range from heart (but without breaking the chain) to get the challenge. Can't be too close to heart.


I'm pretty damn far away from the heart when I kill him.
Seems that damage over time can not complete the challenge
This part of the challenge just needs to be removed at this point. It's unacceptable with how low a spawn rate the trialmaster is, and with how blatantly buggy the conditional is.
+1, i did few clean fights, no fail msg, no any spell hits me, 1st heart explode but doesnt hit me, 2nd hear clean teather and clean kill, but im failed, im lost around 48h!!! Every league I feel like someone has spit on me, this group of ppl which works on this challanges, every time bugs, 0 priority to fix this as soon is possible nobody cares about players which making challanges, maybe after 4 weeks when there is so many posts... And its not cry im paid 500$ and i know whot i want from this game !!! This is grinding gear games or gambling gear games????? Real grind is when im going for example farm ultimatum for 200h-300h and i have guaranted reward in the end, no gamling system!!! And another question? For sure this gona be fixed and for sure they gona change ratio and now tell me this, whot whith ppl which hard grind this rng challange? Another spit on face this ppl, i had this when u changed ritual bases, u think its funny when you spend much more time to get somthing faster than others, and then new changes and they doing this much easier? Yes its okey for ppl which dont have time w, but this group its not alone there is another group off ppl which realy want finish this challanges 40/40 in first 2/3 weeks, and u can say yea but u dont play after 2 months after 40/40 and whot i can say, its true but im paying and i want after 40/40 take a break and wait for next league, im paying so i want have clear way without any bugs for rush to 40/40!!! It is not acceptable, ofc in 1 league okey maybe bad times etc but not in few leagues in row!!!
Last edited by gajonxd on May 7, 2021, 1:57:26 PM
so many boomed players, well done ggg

oh me too btw, reporting into 39 challenge support group, thanks for sharing everyone
Last edited by Rafalovski666 on May 9, 2021, 5:45:15 PM

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