Flickerstrike Movement/stationary

This interaction is not broken. The teleportation is instant, so there cannot be any duration for which you are considered moving - the movement takes no time. You are stationary before teleporting and stationary after teleporting.
Does that mean that during the movement youre moving and thus do not benefit from certain mechanics that require you stay stationary to stack up bonuses like Expansive Might or the Tukohama pantheon?
No. There is no "during" the movement because the movement is an instant teleport. It has no duration. Nothing can happen during it because it does not take any time. The amount of time you are moving for is none, so nothing can happen that would query those modifiers during that non-existant time.

This is exactly the same as why flasks which provide only instant recovery don't get any benefit from stats that apply during the flask's effect - because that effect is instant and thus does not last for a duration at all.

Maxtrux wrote:
While using Flicker Strike, or any Blink skill, you stop being stationary the moment you start performing the attack. Rather, you will be in a limbo where your character is not considered to be stationary and yet won't be considered as moving (since in order to be "moving" your character has to actually walk/cyclone following the cursor). So you won't get even bonus while moving when attacking.
This is not true. You are stationary at any time you are not currently moving. There is no possiblity to be neither - stationary is defined as not moving.
When you start the attack you are stationary. at the point you teleport you are stationary, you instantly teleport (move) without any time passing and are immediately stationary in the new position as you finish the attack.

It might help to think of it in terms of starting and stopping. For any movement, you are considered to be moving between the time you start moving and the time you stop moving. If you instantly teleport, there is no time between those two events, so there is no time during which you can be considered to currently be moving.

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