Well....I got scammed today! DONT EVER buy crafts from people.....

Very demoralizing experience! I’ve really kept to myself in the game, but decided to reach out for crafting in general for the first time and man what a very depressing day! Thankfully wasn’t a super expensive item! With alteration spam and cost of item looking at roughly 3 exalts! Coulda been worse!

Point is, don’t ever buy crafts from anyone in trade unless you get collateral! And a significant collateral!

I’m disgusted I reported the player in game but I doubt GGG will care and do anything! Just sucks I spent 7 hours trying to craft today and I shut the game off feeling like I accomplished nothing!

My fault for being too trusting!

But I’ll say it again! DO NOT BUY CRAFTS FROM ANYONE EVER!!! Period!
Last edited by Jpzx6r on Feb 17, 2021, 3:30:07 AM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2021, 12:24:24 AM
Yeah that sucks... the only way to do it is with substantial colateral, the problem is that there are lots of new players that have no idea about iten value and such...
JabbaRoots wrote:
Yeah that sucks... the only way to do it is with substantial colateral, the problem is that there are lots of new players that have no idea about iten value and such...

Even with experienced players, agreeing on the value of a crafted rare item... that's tough.

And then there's the problem of a reverse-scam.

Suppose I have an item that could potentially be worth a lot, but it's not selling on the market.

I could "buy" a Harvest craft from someone and demand several exalts in collateral.

Then I could just vanish after getting the collateral.

Boom, item sold.

I would advise players against trading Harvest crafts, unless they're 100% willing to accept the risk.
Which is why I only play SSF, less stress worrying about these morons.
Not sure this will help, on pc we have the forbidden throve, using discord to buy/sell with a ranked system. Maybe there is a way for console too.
For sure never trust ppl on trade, this game is full of scammers cause ggg is not interested on this.
Last edited by DarkAvenger79 on Feb 23, 2021, 9:59:12 AM
GGG obviously wants the scams and they also designed the trade market to perfectly benefit price fixers. I don't know why they want the scum to thrive but they obviously do or they would have changed some things like making things like harvest crafts trade-able. But how can you get scammed if they are trade able?

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