Black screen in harvest

Since 3.13.1, my textures only load the "roughest" level (first link), so the game looks a lot like old school Runescape. I unironically love this, because for the first time ever i can play at 60fps and i crash a lot less often. Inside a harvest though it seems like no textures are loading at all (second link), so the screen is black except for some bloom effects and the HUD. It is purely visual, my friend (map host who doesn't experience the bug) could start it and we completed it as usual. Unfortunately i did not think of using the debug gommand ingame.

Intel i5-3570K
16G ram
Windows 10 64bit

All graphics settings on lowest
multithreading: enabled
Vsync: tried both, no change
renderer: Vulkan (because directX makes my entire pc freeze)
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2021, 9:38:36 AM
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The same Bug appears in the cemetery boss room
Also in a delirium map. very hard to play if the entire map is black. it goes back to normal as soon as the delirium fog ends.
I'm also getting this since the 3.13.1, usually happens in dark areas.

I've had it happen inside breaches (only inside the expanding part), during deliriums (entire screen), inside the delve mine (entire screen), inside a Repository heist (entire screen), and inside harvests too.

Sometimes I can leave the zone and come back and it will be fixed for a while.
Update: I managed to find a way to 100% reproduce this by going into the mine (any node), opening the subterranean chart (V) and scrolling far out, which causes everything to be blurry.

After playing with DirectX instead of Vulkan for 30+ minutes I haven't gotten this blurry screen bug at all, so it seems the bug might be exclusive to Vulkan.

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