GGG *please* give us more than 2 hours of downtime for 3.12.0 Heist patch.

League start is normally a very exciting time for lots of us.

Even those of us who aren't racing to see our name in lights.

For those of us who won't be able to complete the download in time (anyone with slow internet), it will be quite demoralizing to load up the game for the first time after patch as see "Player X just entered (some T11 map)" as we fight Hillock.

Much, much more so for those who would potentially be interested in participating in the Ziz event.

How exactly one would do that on console, where you can expect an average of one crash death per day, ESPECIALLY early in the league when you have less defense, I don't know.

Console races/Boss Kill events should be SSF (not HC SSF), or at least have a non-HC component. Otherwise it's basically luck of the draw. Who crashed while in town or other safe spot vs who crashed during a bossfight or after popping a strongbox?

Heist league looks awesome, and I want to be super pumped for it, but the current state of the game, combined with decisions like *a completely unchanged launch schedule despite a GIANT patch* make it really hard for me to maintain that excitement.
Last bumped on Sep 18, 2020, 3:26:01 AM

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