[3.11] General Cry Bleed Gladiator || WIP || Video Concept

Hey Guys this is just a placeholder forum post for a General's cry gladiator.

So far it is working better than expected, so i'll write up a proper guide when it gets properly geared.

Proof of concept, and Early ungeared playstyle showcase. Daily updates on how the character is going are in the playlist:


After having a fairly good go at General's Cry here are some thoughts while effectively ending the character.

When I'm not at work I'll be streaming on:



Using Generals cry + Lacerate for nice clear in sand stance and more bleed damage when you need single target (blood stance).

**I prefer Lacerate over EQ as EQ is more difficult to stack up crimson dance fully, and it has less instant effect. Lacerate just feels nice in my opinion.**

I chose bleed as the Mirage's aren't up all the time, and if I wanted consistent dps against a boss I'd need a Dot. Bleed Seemed to line up quite nicely with a tankier build.

I tried getting viper strike pathfinder to (theoretically) work but without the additional targets from tribal fury I think it's dead on arrival.

Testing out setups at the moment, and getting to maps (late start I know)

My Attempted end game setup would be something like:


This is a modification on Steelmage's Lacerate gladiator from a few leauges back


Play style:

Use CwC on cyclone to desecrate corpses, Instant warcries so you don't stop moving

cyclone and mash gen cry to bleed explode everything.

Swap to blood stance for single target (Lacerate should get 8 stacks of bleed in one shout)

Last edited by Stagsnetti on Jul 3, 2020, 9:10:17 AM
Last bumped on Nov 21, 2020, 5:10:51 AM
Im trying to use 1H BleedQuaker with Earthshatter+Generals Cry and ive met a problem - Gratuitous Violence making enemies explode wich leave no body for us to use Generals cry. Right now i am trying Desecrate with CODT. Its a little bit clunky but still can be an option. Another option is to take Violent Retalition or anything else but thats a hit to bleeding damage. Got any sugestions?
Infernium wrote:
Im trying to use 1H BleedQuaker with Earthshatter+Generals Cry and ive met a problem - Gratuitous Violence making enemies explode wich leave no body for us to use Generals cry. Right now i am trying Desecrate with CODT. Its a little bit clunky but still can be an option. Another option is to take Violent Retalition or anything else but thats a hit to bleeding damage. Got any sugestions?

Yeah I'm using Cast while channeling Desecrate with cyclone and Infused channeling (could use fortify instead if need be but infused gives more damage)
Im doing a version of this with those Corspe Walker Boots, so GV splosions don't seem to much trouble.
Mojo907 wrote:
Im doing a version of this with those Corspe Walker Boots, so GV splosions don't seem to much trouble.

Sweet, Tell me how it goes!
It's very nice, you should definitely try it

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