I disconnect regularly 3/4 times an hour trying to pick up loot off the ground... Don't have video at the moment, playing on PS4, has happened so many times I've lost count. It's been annoying but playable, until about 30 minutes ago, where I dc'd 4 times in one map. Thought I would share, just to see if anyone else has been having this issue.
Last bumped on Mar 15, 2020, 7:40:46 AM
Still occurring though less frequently.

Perhaps GGG can code in a "portal on disconnect"
To ease this stupid issue.
I have submitted countless error reports through the psn functionality, unfortunate that it doesn't save a copy of the video so I may post them here.
More Rant,

Perhaps also, you can turn off the loss of so when disconnecting due to a game crash, I cannot count how many times I've almost leveled up only to crash a few times in a row and lose massive amounts of xp due to that.
^ that's drawn from seeing people log out to character screen to avoid a death, can't avoid the death if the client freaks out and crashes.
Second crash of the night, a little more than a half hour after the first
That's probably a problem with your files, you should redownload it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
That's probably a problem with your files, you should redownload it.

Have tried re downloading game and doing a database rebuild

Tonight's crash.

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