Returning after quite a few years. Need build advice/direction

Hey all,

So I've got the itch again to play a great ARPG, and well... POE is still the best out there.

I have a few characters developed, to include lvl 79 and 78 Scions, and lvl 80 and 76 Witches.

Prior to stopping, I primarily played a magic find summoner with the Witch. Left over in the stash I have a 6-link'd chest and all the gems lvl'd to 19'ish to build the summoner. However, upon returning my skill trees have been wiped and now I'm looking for a new build.

I've read through the Witch forum but haven't had any luck finding a solid summoner build that can utilize MF gear. If anyone could help point to a solid one, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Also, below are the pieces of gear I used for my previous MF character. Please let me know if these pieces are still viable.

IGN: Astynax__SP
Last edited by Astynax on Nov 6, 2019, 4:14:13 AM
Last bumped on Nov 8, 2019, 12:58:24 PM
IIQ has changed a lot since you quit. Almost all of your gear there has been nerfed/removed so is currently quite valuable in standard.

Summary of MF changes real quick:
1) Your quantity gems, they no longer drop in game, so only people who had one drop way back then, have some.
2) 'Increased quantity of items found' is no longer possible on any rare items except for amulets (specifically shaper amulets which are a new class of amulets). So all of that quantity gear you have as rares is all legacy (aka cant drop anymore but existing versions stay)
3) Sadima, blazon and goldwyrm have all been nerfed to lower quantity values. Again you have legacy pieces there, which are very valuable in standard.

Summoners are quite strong now, and MF is no longer quite what it was back then. Looking at that gear, I am guessing you played in the days of parties utilizing MF cullers. This is no longer the case.

You should be able to find plenty of summoner builds (without MF) as blight was an overhaul to a lot of summoner QoL features so they are very popular right now. If you prefer to MF, the current MF builds that are 'meta' are basically bow builds utilizing windripper. If you google 'tornado shot MF 3.8 poe' you should find some.

Hope that helps, and welcome back

Thanks a ton for the update and info on IIQ changes. It now makes sense why I didn't see any MF focused builds.

Also, thank you for the build advice.

IGN: Astynax__SP
You can play MF necromancer if you like that style just fine.
There are many necromancer builds you can try while equipping mf gear.
i.e. Solar Guard Spectres deal crazy damage even in 5-link or you can play some cool Golem build or whatever you like.

(I would just wear quantity gear though)

*Just note that flask and belt are also legacy version (you can check the current stats by pressing "Alt" I guess).

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