Hardcore Community

So is there a legit community for HC on ps4? I came to legion super late and just played softcore to get a feel for the game and learn all the acts and new skills since I last played on PC like 2 years ago.

It feels like HC would be impossible to play and not die constantly unless you play totems only... am i right here or am i missing something?

Last bumped on Sep 18, 2019, 3:43:00 PM
Unless you're a total badass I don't see it happening. I'm pretty sure it's either minions or totems if you want to play hardcore. Hardly even because of performance, just the stupid amount of one shots and bullshit.

I'm sure you could play hardcore without a ton of skill as something else, but you'd have to make your character so tanky it wouldn't even be enjoyable.

If you've got to make a death proof character to play hardcore it defeats the purpose of even playing it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Yea, so I started one. I’m level 60 but honestly it feels like I wasted my time. I’m going to stick it out for this season probably but only because leveling is easy enough with items I’ve accumulated. I did end up going juggernaut for tankiness but I may have to switch spell casting over two handed melee because it’s hard to maintain the damage. Only 6k damage tectonic slam damage isn’t exactly tearing through everything in act 8 but it does feel safe. Might consider a self cast discharge with a single target spell. Not sure.
Goods040188 wrote:
Yea, so I started one. I’m level 60 but honestly it feels like I wasted my time. I’m going to stick it out for this season probably but only because leveling is easy enough with items I’ve accumulated. I did end up going juggernaut for tankiness but I may have to switch spell casting over two handed melee because it’s hard to maintain the damage. Only 6k damage tectonic slam damage isn’t exactly tearing through everything in act 8 but it does feel safe. Might consider a self cast discharge with a single target spell. Not sure.

The community is extremely small just check the leader boards:


As you can see majority of the players are still in the leveling stage, with only few reaching end game and even less still are alive. The community doesn't even reach 2000 characters to give you an idea.

You're really better off playing softcore, a good reason that hardcore is also avoided is because crashes sometimes are counted as deaths -- hence an instant kill. Then there are the FPS drops, depending on the build you play. There is still a lot of optimization to be made with this game for the console.
Last edited by Chaplin1108 on Sep 16, 2019, 11:47:24 AM
I totally agree with you but now that I am behind in Softcore and kind of middle of the pack or ahead on hardcore I am just going to stick it out for a little. I pretty much play SSF anyway so it’s not a big deal that community is small. Once I lose a character or three to crashes or lag then I’ll go to Softcore.
I only play hardcore, tried softcore, but it just lacked the tension I enjoy in hardcore. When I do die, it is usually due to me being over aggressive, pushing beyond my gear. I generally play SSF HC. Play on a One X, crashes have been extremely rare for me.
Last edited by Smallville0608 on Sep 16, 2019, 4:09:58 PM
Goods040188 wrote:
So is there a legit community for HC on ps4? I came to legion super late and just played softcore to get a feel for the game and learn all the acts and new skills since I last played on PC like 2 years ago.

It feels like HC would be impossible to play and not die constantly unless you play totems only... am i right here or am i missing something?


yes, you probably missed something.

cant see why "hc would be impossible to play".

i enjoy and only play ssf hc since i started on ps4 last year (incursion).
i played several ssf hc chars to the 90s. (1 totem build)

maybe you just dont like playing hardcore in general which is fine of course.


I dont play on PS4 but the HC community is alive on xbox. Its small but very dedicated. I have gotten several characters to end game maps/T16 and several other people have killed shaper on HC and no, the top players do not use totems lolololol. So no its definitely not impossible. The only thing that really makes it hard is the trade board is very limited so alot of the gear is self found. Dont give up my ps4 brothers you can do it :)

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