[3.6] My Best Essence Drain build 2.1milion dot 12k Es, Video UP vs Aul, Lich 756 and Uber Elder

-Bandits: 2 passives, kill all
-Ascendancy: Withering Presence, Vile Bastion
-Pantheon: Solaris, Shakari or Tukohama

Hello guys, this is probably my best essence drain build ever done. I already did few times time ago but this has bast dot/es combo. [A bit expansive :P]
Occultist is the best for this build, the es recharge with occultist is the best defensive mechanic of game.
Maybe you are thinking, why not soulrend? because its duration, is little and u need to spam it. Soulrend give more dot dps, yes, but with essence drain you can cast it, then u can run around to avoid damage or you can deal damage with blight from gloves, so double degen on boss.

This build also is probably the most solid i've ever done for high depth delve, the clear in delve is super super astronomic thanks to explosion from synthesized claw, explosions save you from damage after death from some type of mob.
Vs guardians, shaper and uber elder is really a joke, super easy.

Nothing to say anymore i think, if you have any question or tip feel free to write here in thread.

Enjoy ^_^



My builds

All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Last edited by Hitma47 on Jun 1, 2019, 8:33:01 PM
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2019, 11:20:15 PM
hi, man. I'm a little confused. Why shav's wrapping but not LL? If you go with ES, you may have more ES with crafted body armor.
TxE4GL3k wrote:
hi, man. I'm a little confused. Why shav's wrapping but not LL? If you go with ES, you may have more ES with crafted body armor.

In the video and the pastebin link he is low life
Write random stuff here
TxE4GL3k wrote:
hi, man. I'm a little confused. Why shav's wrapping but not LL? If you go with ES, you may have more ES with crafted body armor.

i'm low life.. you blind :P
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Neat build - going Prism Guardian though is a bit of a waste of DPS.

Sure - you can use Zealotry, but you give up on a bow/staff that not only is a lot cheaper to craft then a corrupted Shavs, it also gives you more DPS then going with Zealotry.

This combo here for example gives you more damage, more ES, faster recharge rate etc and is cheaper. (The bow is from synthesis - but even without the implicit it still outperforms your shavs)

Your TalentTree is a mess as well - you take the nerfed and really really really bad ES nodes in the Witch starting area - spend valueable talent points on deep thoughts (what for? - for manaregen?) etc.

In general going prism guardian is a lot more valuable to do on a Cold Dot Occultist then on a Chaos one - Cold dot (due to being elemental damage as well as a DoT) has a lot more need for big auras.

The Wither Totem Setup is questionable as well - Occultist gets Wither from its Asendancy - it doesnt need a wither totem at all.

I can shoot you my own ED caster PoB later down the line if you want to compare stuff. :)

€dit: Also a bit missleading - all those Videos were before the 3.7 Occultist nerfs.
Last edited by Cyrix1337 on Jun 29, 2019, 12:08:33 PM
Cyrix1337 wrote:

ok i try to explain you something.
1. The only bow that can reach more dps than my build is the wone with +1 gem abd +1 support.
2. this build is prepatch 3.7, is made in 3.6, so pob link probably is broken and u can't see it good.
3.I had 12k es, 2.2 milion dot and all mob explode dying, so is super safe, i made it to do depth delve.
4. wither totem setup help a lot to reach fast 20 stack of wither.

nothing to sayanymore.. if i do again this build, i do again it with prism guardian cuz more dps; if i chose to do it with a bow, i will probably do it with a +1 gem and +1 support and better crafted;
your bow can never deal more dps than this build.
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
ban that bitch, hes reached 20 stacks of wither, when limit is 15)))
CreoZ wrote:
ban that bitch, hes reached 20 stacks of wither, when limit is 15)))

lol dumb xD pre 3.7 limit was 20
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Now max stacks 15, was 20.
Now 6% increased Chaos Damage taken, was 7%.


nice try, still ban that cheater.

with bow setup i personally prefer Blight+IC+Efficacy+empower+voidm+swifta on 2nd 6link with Spreading rot jewel for stacking wither.Ofc can be used on 2link Blight+IC, but with good damage helps on allies can't die mods on totem/mobs. Anyway u have window till ED make his job, and u can dodge attacks or add dps by using blight.
Last edited by CreoZ on Aug 4, 2019, 11:14:16 PM
and spell totem shit cause it works only on shaper/elder(not uber) cause its too weak and die constantly, and spending time to resummon it not good idea. For ES build might be better adding soulrend with cwc in blight like a

Blight-CWC-IC-Efficacy-Soulrend-Increase Duration/Controlled Destruction, that solve mana cost soulrend problem and gives a nice leech which with self regen+ed regen allows to face tank anything what doesnt oneshot u.

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