Virtually unavoidable death

Hi GGG, god knows I've died doing dumb stuff in the past, but this isn't one of them.

I mean, it was already spawned and going off the moment I entered the fractured memory. That's 3-4 hours grind flushed down the toilet in spite of the fact I was playing very conservatively. It's just not reasonable.

You need to give players at least a second or two before dropping stuff like this on their heads.

ps. T11 shaped map; 6.7K life, level 94 Witch Elementalist
Last edited by bendybruce on Apr 27, 2019, 2:32:29 AM
Last bumped on May 1, 2019, 8:29:41 AM
Gotta agree with you on that. Perhaps this is one of the things that GGG will eventually tone down (while introducing a new one, just to keep the better players on their toes). Getting jumped while exiting a portal seems an ongoing sore point on the Forums.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
walkjohn55 wrote:
Gotta agree with you on that. Perhaps this is one of the things that GGG will eventually tone down (while introducing a new one, just to keep the better players on their toes). Getting jumped while exiting a portal seems an ongoing sore point on the Forums.

The thing is, that on top of that I've had several near-death experiences when the game essentially freezes for at times what can be upwards of 5-6 seconds (I have a few saved videos of these events which I will probably also upload and link at some point). When it unlocks I'm either dead or near dead, depending on the situation. I may as well also point out the game crashes frequently, typically when I'm entering or exiting portals, which is tiresome. When you combine these issues with legit cheese-deaths like the one I posted here, it really does begin to wear you out.

Believe me, I'm not hating on GGG here. I freaking love their game, and as a Kiwi I'm genuinely proud of what this company has achieved on the world stage. In fact I think it is currently the best in this genre that has ever been made, even compared to D2, but there are a lot of serious issues going on at the moment, especially if you are a PS4 player. At times I feel like I'm a beta tester.
bendybruce wrote:
Hi GGG, god knows I've died doing dumb stuff in the past, but this isn't one of them.

I mean, it was already spawned and going off the moment I entered the fractured memory. That's 3-4 hours grind flushed down the toilet in spite of the fact I was playing very conservatively. It's just not reasonable.

You need to give players at least a second or two before dropping stuff like this on their heads.

ps. T11 shaped map; 6.7K life, level 94 Witch Elementalist

Sorry for your death but that clip was pretty hilarious. I didn't see that one coming.
But i have to say i also had my share of fps related deaths or near deaths. My worb witch is much faster and glassier bc of MF items but having up to 10s of 0,3-0,5 fps and dying in the process is not fun and i genuinly wonder how anybody got to 100 on HC or even SC for that matter.
Especially with worb trickster!
Yeah, I can laugh about it now (kind of) just because it was so absurdly unfair. My original complaint/request to GGG stands. Stuff like this smashing you in the face the instant you spawn is not good game design. There is a difference between presenting players with a challenge and something like this!
I agree, there is no point into adding a monster that can drop you instantly
From the up coming 3.6.4 patch

Fixed a bug where Bloodlines monsters in close proximity to Memory Stabilisers and the Delve Crawler could create their on-death effects when you entered the area. Monsters affected include Bearers of the Guardian, Heralds of the Obelisk, Voidspawn of Abaxoth and Living Blood Bloodlines monsters.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath

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