Changes/improvements that need to be made before a ps4 Launch

I have been playing Path for a decent amount of time probably around 600ish hours now, This is just my time on pc and I probably have around another 80-100 on Console now. There seem to be some huge issues currently with the console port of this game and I would like to give some feedback and suggestions for the ps4 version and to update the xbox version. I love the game and it feels great on console in the most part but there are some big issues that seem to ruin the experience and I have some friends on ps4 eagerly looking forward to playing this game!

1 - There needs to be a use all potions button for console, Most pc players can hit 1-5 in 1 second and or rebind these keys / use a macro to apply all of the potions. Lot's of builds require you to cycle potions non-stop especially late game and in hardcore. Using the d-pad for 3 different potions makes no sense.

2 - The trading block is simply a system that did not work, Everyone just overprices and does not understand how it works. There needs to be a system implemented like the Trading version for the website for the actual console where it pulls up a separate menu and allows you to search. There should also be a trade / general chat and a message system that's more in depth than the current one for trading.

3 - Builds that use heavy movement skills like Shield Charge, Leap Slam or consecrated path make the game Desync really badly. It's almost unplayable at times when you leap slam 4 times in a row and everything freezes and then you teleport back randomly. This needs to be fixed you guys are not just a tiny indie dev anymore. You should care about your console fanbase just as much as your pc fanbase.

4 - The website for this game is pretty horrid on Mobile and let's be real that's where most players are getting their builds etc. You can't even zoom in or out of the POE tree on the website. This needs to be made more mobile friendly.

5 - Gem lock for Leveling needs to become a better system. Sometimes you will lock a gem and switch a piece of gear and in your inventory, it will level up and become unusable. All gems should ask to level up and be able to be perma locked even out of gear.

6 - When there is a buttload of stuff happening on my screen you guys pixelate it to save frames and not make my game completely freeze. This is a good idea but when you don't own an xbox one x it's quite awful. My game literally looks horrible 24/7. Cut back skill effects or you know.. Optimize the game..

Hopefully, Xbox and the ps4 version can see some of these changes and other QOL changes as well. If anyone else has any suggestions please leave them below!
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2018, 7:19:12 PM
Yeah, I don't think console gets a good dose of attention from the devs.

I think they'd like to put more resources on the console version, but I don't think they have many people working on it, so stuff like you mentioned is ignored or is coming in 4 years.

A good example is the delve league on xbox. On PC they had 2 extra button inputs for dynamite and flares.

Xbox didn't, you had to sacrifice 2 of your skill slots for that. So that meant pushing and exploring can't co-exist.

And swapping skills your muscle memory is building on to learn your build gets messed up when you start swapping out with flares and dynamite. It was a pretty bad choice to do that.

About the potions feedback, I personally hate how potions work on console. It's not a mechanic that translates well to a controller imo.

Everything else I don't mind. Although I think once the grim dawn expansion comes with the bottomless dungeon it'll finally have end game content to play and I'll probably drop poe. They also have better controller and UI setup too.

I usually only play a league for 2 weeks or so before I get frustrated with poe on xbox. PC is great, I just can't sit at my desk for 8 hours a day doing work, then another 3-4 playing poe.
Yea I have to agree with you there. I liked Grim Dawn but I really do think Path is an amazing game who can take over console ARPGS but they refuse to communicate and simply don't want to give the same treatment as the pc community. It's as if they see how much money they could make on console and completely ignore it.

I also agree with the PC thing. Sometimes I just wanna relax with some friends and use a controller and not have to use a keyboard and mouse 24/7. The game actually feels great on the controller and if they actually put some effort into the Trading/Flask use and graphics / Frame rate and connection
Not one of these suggestions will be made.. The Xbox version is in maintenance mode, there won't be anything drastic added to it other than league features and even they will be aimed at pc players

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